VMware CEO谈软件定义的数据中心、OpenStack和亚马逊2020欧洲杯预赛


作为英特尔和EMC的顶级执行官,Pat Gelsinger帮助建立了今天的数据中心。2020欧洲杯预赛现在,作为VMware的首席执行官,他很有希望提供明天的数据中心。2020欧洲杯预赛在这部分IDG企业首席执行官采访系列中,GELERINGER与首席内容官John Gallant发言足球竞猜app软件高级作家Brandon Butler关于他一年内完成了他的任期,以及为什么公司独特地定位在软件定义的数据中心的愿景。2020欧洲杯预赛GELERINGER详细介绍了该公司即将到来的基础设施 - AS-服务提供的计划以及它将如何超级决斗早期领导者亚马逊。他还讨论了VMware的计划,简化了移动性,并解释了如何,而不是威胁公司,OpenStack正在扩大VMware的市场。(哦,关于OpenStack的另一件事:他没有看到它在企业中获得牵引力。)Gelsinger还对VMware的竞争对手分享了想法,并讨论了他将如何与前VMware首席执行官Paul Maritz的新枢轴旋转。

John Gallant:你在公司改变了什么,到目前为止你完成了什么?

Pat Gelsinger:进入公司,很多事情都很明显。一个是这一编舞的计划形成的关键并将资产从EMC一起移动以这样做。我进来了,介入接管作为领导者。释放保罗[Maritz]来发展关键计划,然后我们在该计划上执行。4月1日是正式推出。但是,随着我们移动这些资产的,我们也很清楚,我们需要同时澄清我们将要进展的事情。我们的核心虚拟化平台对于计算[图层]已经非凡,但我们必须非常清楚地展出我们的下一个愿景是公司。我们这样做了,我们的三个优先事项,然后让一切都与这些优先事项对齐。我们重组了公司,我们卖掉了资产。真的是我们的Q2盈利呼叫,对我来说,有点标记:好的,我们完成了所有这些东西。We’ve clarified the earnings, we clarified what’s in and what’s out, where we’re going for the future, and obviously, the good financial numbers helped us sort of snap the line in saying: OK, we’re ready for up-and-to-the-right for the next decade like we did for the last.



PG:嗯,我们制定了一个大胆的议程。让我们只是简要走过三个元素。显然,对于软件定义的数据中心,请参与我们在Compute,现在在2020欧洲杯预赛管理,存储,网络和安全性上执行的内容,并将整个能力作为一系列集成解决方案,我们的VCLoud Suite提供。真的虚拟化数据中心。2020欧洲杯预赛第二名是在上提和云中的那样。That’s what our hybrid service is about, launching ourselves into the infrastructure-as-a-service business, but then uniquely binding on- and off-premise, given our core position in the enterprise workloads, and being able to combine that in the cloud. We think that really uniquely allows us to execute on the hybrid value proposition. The third, of course, is the end-user computing, which we have a good position for virtual desktop. But the world is moving to mobile. We say that the entire computing landscape has moved from client/server to mobile cloud, and we will be uniquely positioned as the infrastructure provider for mobile and for hybrid cloud on and off-premise. Those three things, to us, form the triangle of complete strategy that allows us to be the infrastructure provider for enterprise. That allows them to both build that new infrastructure, but also we can help them save money in their old, if they’re transforming and building efficiencies in their old environment. That strategy has been laid out. We’ve communicated it clearly internally and externally, and now we’ve just got to execute like crazy on making it happen.

