
MAPR的最新Hadoop分布包括带有纱线的Hadoop 2.2的支持,但也与MapReduce 1.x计划程序兼容,有希望的组织是最新Hadoop架构的无风险升级路径。

The company has taken a different tack with its distribution than competitors Cloudera and Hortonworks-unlike it competitors, MapR has committed to backward compatibility, enabling organizations to run the Hadoop MapReduce 1.x and YARN schedulers on the same nodes in the cluster simultaneously.

通过ensuring that MapReduce 1.x and YARN schedulers can coexist, MapR gives MapReduce 1.x users an easy and risk-free path to upgrade to the new scheduler, says Jack Norris, CMO of MapR Technologies.

“如果要将处理打开到其他类型的应用程序,则不希望重写该应用只是为了利用Hadoop。”- Mapr Technologies的CMO,Jack Norris

"Our focus is really production use of Hadoop," Norris says. "Once you go into production, it's about availability and uptime and integration with existing apps. We're backward compatible from previous distributions to this distribution because you can't introduce changes easily into a production environment. Customers say, 'YARN's exciting, but I want to put my toe in the water. I've got existing jobs that are running.' We've got customers running over 20,000 jobs a day on our platform."


Apache Hadoop纱(另一个资源Negotiator) is the foundation of Hadoop 2.0, released last October. YARN serves as the Hadoop operating system, taking what was a single-use data platform for batch processing and turning it into a multi-use platform that enables batch, interactive, online and stream processing.


通过将纱线与Mapr的读写(R / W)POSIX数据平台组合来说,Norris说MapR,使基于纱线的应用程序不仅可以在Hadoop集群上运行并共享计算资源,而且还可以在底层分布式中读取,写和更新数据文件系统和数据库表。因此,它使组织能够开发和部署更广泛的大数据应用程序。

[有关:Hortonworks将Hadoop 2.0带来了Windows]

“纱线向超越MapReduce的处理模式开辟了Hadoop,”Evan Quinn,Envan Quinn,企业管理员协会研究总监。“Mapr的Hadoop分布通过添加完整的Open标准NFS接口,除了HDFS之外,还将进一步扩展纱线,使非MapReduce应用程序能够最佳地利用群集的存储。”

“当我们谈论通用存储平台时,它是关于随机读写的,”Norris说。“如果要将处理打开到某种其他类型的应用程序,则不希望重写该应用程序只是为了利用Hadoop。您只希望它在平台上运行。必须重写它使用Hadoop分布式文件系统(HDFS)API引入了可能需要大量预测和规划的更改 - 在某些情况下,在某些情况下重新设计了应用程序。我们允许您直接在Mapr平台上运行,没有任何更改,才现在是现在利用MAPR提供的高度分布式框架。“

虽然Cloudera和Hortonworks的Hadoop发行版是完全开源的,Mapr技术已经剥离了HDOOP的HDFS层,并用自己的自定义和专有的数据层替换它,支持HDFS API,以解决其认为Hadoop架构中的限制能够执行快照和灾难恢复功能。


"It's compatible with all the standard enterprise applications and tools. Any package designed for Hadoop runs on MapR with no changes or recompiling," Norris says. "We didn't just look at the community roadmap and try to jump ahead and do features six months before the community tried to do them. We looked at the limitations we saw and architected for those. It's really hard for re-architecture to happen in an open source community."

MapR Sandbox Provides Free VM Installation and Tutorials

MapR also announced the availability of MapR Sandbox for Hadoop, a virtualized environment containing MapR's distribution intended to help users get exploring and experimenting with Hadoop in less than five minutes. The Sandbox is a complete and fully configured virtual machine installation of the MapR distribution with point-and-click tutorials for developers, analysts and administrators.

“组织面临着Hadoop开发人员和数据科学家的短缺,而且没有有用且易于访问的培训工具,生产的Hadoop开发商将继续供不应求,”MAPR技术产品管理副总裁Tomer Shiran说。“通过Mapr Sandbox,开发人员拥有他们在一个方便和免费包装中所需的所有工具,以便快速加速Hadoop。”

MapR Integrates with HP Vertica Analytics Platform

最后,该公司宣布了Mapr上新型HP Vertica分析平台的早期访问发布,提供了一种高性能的Interactive SQL-On-Hadoop解决方案,可将HP Vertica的分析平台与Mapr的Hadoop分布紧密集成。该公司指出,它提供了100%的ANSI SQL-符合高级交互式分析功能以及商业智能(BI)和ETL工具支持。


"Organizations embracing Hadoop have been struggling to empower large groups of business analysts who require sophisticated SQL and BI tools to do their jobs, but feel handcuffed when using incomplete, SQL-like approaches," says John Schroeder, CEO and cofounder of MapR Technologies. "Providing HP Vertica's very high-performance and rich SQL and built-in analytic functions on MapR's best-of-breed platform for Hadoop sets business analysts free to do faster, interactive analytics from data harnessed by Hadoop."

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