
The tech inferno is not buried deep within the earth -- it's just down the hall. Let's take a tour

The tech inferno is not buried deep within the earth -- it's just down the hall. Let's take a tour

花足够的时间在高科技产业,最终你会发现自己在IT地狱 - “神曲”一个没有什么不同但丁在他的描述阴间


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Shall we descend?

IT的第一圆地狱:LimboDescription:A pitiful morass where nothing ever gets done and change is impossiblePeople you meet there:通过软件束缚由厂商搁浅用户,部门锁定,组织由任性开发商挟持

There are many waysto fall into IT Limbo:当问题出现时和供应商开始指向彼此的手指;当你锁定在视线没有缓解糟糕的软件;当你的程序员离开你什么也没有搁浅做,但从头开始。



迈克尔·凯泽尼曼,首席执行官影响拨号, maker of autodialing software, says he used to work for a nonprofit that was locked into a donor management platform from hell.

“该软件把永远来看,它只能在Internet Explorer工作,坠毁每日数次,并且是可怕的难用,”他说。“不是用它更糟糕的唯一的事情是知道,之前我加入了该组织,他们已经签署了该软件的五年授权协议。我想杀谁签署了它。”

企业还发现自己在地狱边境时,他们的开发人员不能采用标准方法or记录下他们的程序, says Steven A. Lowe, CEO ofInnovator LLC, a consulting and custom software development firm.


如何逃脱:“When you're digging a hole in hell, the first thing to do is stop digging and climb your way out," says Roth. That means making sure you have the tech expertise in house to solve your own problems, going with open source to avoid vendor lock-in, and taking the time to refactor your code so you can be more efficient the next time around.

技术lustDescription:IT地狱的第2圈:A deep cavern filled with mountains of discarded gadgets, with Golem-like creatures scrambling to reach the shiny new ones at the topPeople you meet there:Just about everybody at some point

The circle of tech lust touches virtually every area of an organization. Developers who abandon serviceable tools in favor of the latest and greatest without first taking the time to understand these new frameworks and methodologies (like node.js or Scrum), thereby preventing anything from ever getting done. Managers whowant hot new gizmos(像iPad),并创造一个原因,他们必须有他们,regardless of the impact在IT组织。谁成为他们的概念不太了解(如云),并抛出一个组织的所有背后的资源在属于后面的比赛的恐惧迷恋高管。


如何逃脱:It is difficult to break free from the circle of tech lust, admits Lowe. "We all love shiny new things," he says. "But you have to know what's good enough to get the job done, and learn how to be happy with what you have."

3rd circle of IT hell: Stakeholder gluttonyDescription:充满了谁的需求越来越多的功能无法满足企业用户的恶臭泥潭,不管付出什么代价People you meet there:从销售和市场营销,财务和管理恶魔

This circle is painfully familiar to anyone who's ever attempted to develop a business application, says Threatscape's Dermot Williams.

“通过the end of the project, the specifications, budget, and timescale of the project bear no resemblance to the ones you began with, thanks to users who keep adding in 'just one more thing we should have thought of,'" says Williams. "A developer who has the misfortune to land in this circle will never actually reach the nirvana of being 'feature complete' because the specification itself is never entirely finalized."

如何逃脱:只有一个办法了,它需要面对一些严酷现实的恶魔 - 威廉姆斯说。“从这个圈子里逃生是最好的挥舞着痛苦的事实的魔镜影响,”他说。“这个有力武器,使恶魔看看自己心中的黑暗,并意识到它最终是他们谁最有从功能蔓延输。”

IT地狱的第4圈:公司greedDescription:一股刺鼻的锻造哪里可怜的动物在熔金河淹死People you meet there:公司高管和股东。另外:唐纳德·特朗普

This circle is filled with those who put personal financial gain客户的需求提前,安东尼R.霍华德的作者说无形的敌人:黑狐和技术顾问,财富50强公司和美国军队。

大约三年前,霍华德被咨询的名牌硬件厂商时,他被要求设计一个新的服务器为其客户之一,主要的搜索引擎。霍华德的设计是更便宜,成本低于目前的搜索引擎使用的服务器来运行。客户欣喜若狂,并下令$ 20万美元。问题?这将需要八个星期的身材,或者几个星期过去制造商的销售季度结束。

“The manufacturer wanted to report that $20 million sale to Wall Street, and it couldn't," Howard says. "So I was placed under tremendous pressure to convince the search engine guys to forget the new design and buy something we already had."

In the end, however, Howard says he persuaded the manufacturer to accept a smaller purchase order for its current machines to fulfill the search engine's immediate needs, with the promise of a larger commitment to the new design down the road.

“当IT架构师的工作将在数千万美元带来的项目,在象牙塔里的人想的是尽快的收入,使他们能够将其呈现给华尔街 - 并收集他们的奖金,”他说。“与此同时,客户想要的一切,包括那些还不存在的产品,这是一个双重的地狱。”

如何逃脱:Political savvy, dedication to the customer, and supportive management are the only ways out, says Howard. "Ultimately it's always about the money," he says. "You have to figure out how to deliver the results they want in some other way. But a lot of people just give into the pressure."

5th circle of IT hell: App dev angerDescription:烟,有硫磺,的火坑,其中怪才和西服都领下成长热People you meet there:程序员,开发者,C级管理人员

In the world of software development, deadlines are constant,压力是激烈脾气耀斑。当事情南下,这个圈子里的居民倾向于首先尖叫,后来问的问题。

Larry Roshfeld, executive vice president atSonatype,一个开源的管理解决方案提供商表示,他的团队最近与一家大型金融机构合作,开发定制软件为银行的商业部门。但是,当银行的法律团队扫描代码,它发现了数百这将需要数周时间来解决潜在的版权冲突。

“The commercial banking team started screaming, 'We need that app now,'" he says. "Another banking team got wind of it and started screaming, 'We need you to work on our app now; stop wasting time on that other app.' The legal team was screaming, 'Nothing gets released until you clean up the license and copyright stuff.' I heard swear words I had never heard before. People were literally foaming at the mouth as they yelled at each other. Last I heard they were all still at war over this."

布伦达·克里斯滕森,现在公关总监敏捷,一个基于网络的社会化CRM应用程序,记得sitting at a board meeting for a software vendor she worked for in the previous century when the company president began throwing objects at everyone else in the room.

“他是个程序员,喜欢熬夜,并没有在意我们的上午10点时举行会议,以便他已经切切实实的,”她说。“当他发现我们迟到了一个版本的软件适用于Windows 95的,他只是爆炸,并开始投掷触手可及的东西。在那之后,人们从来不知道他是什么时候走下车,这并没有使文化有很有利于创造性思维“。


6th circle of IT hell: Tech-cult heresyDescription:一个高深莫测的迷宫,所有路径导致相同的目的地,通过非宗教信徒之火点燃火刑People you meet there:Apple/Microsoft/Google fanboys, Wikipedians, open sourcers, and any other member of一个IT邪教

Wherever true geek believers congregate, the rest of the world is cast into the pit of heresy. Open systems versus proprietary software, Apple versus Microsoft -- it doesn't matter what side you support,总是有异端的另一面大卫O'Berry,对于战略系统工程师说McAfee和联络员Trusted Computing Group,一个厂商中立的行业标准组织。




如何逃脱:异端取决于狂热和信仰的力量“传福音” O'Berry说。您可以通过保持你的心打开,你的眼睛大局避免它。“你开始治疗像一个狂热的那一刻,你强化的概念,它是一个宗教,”他说。“这不是宗教;它的业务遍及世界生存妥协的一个方向走得太远或其他的,你永远不会解决任何问题。”

IT的第七圈地狱:供应商,在供应商violenceDescription:A dismal miasma full of ogres with $200 haircuts, wielding Louis Vuitton briefcasesPeople you meet there:律师

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