“它有特殊的功能,使其能够捕捉在公共云客户的网络流量,因此他可以做他的加速,也有一些特色服务提供商像 - 服务于多个客户,并拥有计费数据的能力,” Riverbed的说CEO杰里肯内利。“你可以把它作为虚拟Steelhead系列的特别版被安装在公共云提供商像亚马逊,AT&T - 任何人谁是公共云服务提供商。”
肯内利表示,该公司一直gone after customers who want to speed up connections with data centers and that virtual desktops face some of the same challenges traffic on those links, namely distance that introduces delay and bandwidth restrictions, both of which can be mitigated by optimizing traffic so less bits are sent across the WAN. "We help anyone who's doing desktop virtualization to make a cheaper, more powerful experience for the individual running the desktops, number one," he says. "Number two, we have future products in development that will give you the ability to boot up your servers from across the WAN and have an even more powerful desktop experience.
目前公司已拥有上手持设备加速Steelhead设备和个人笔记本电脑和台式机,但由于之间的连接,以进步内存的Steelhead Mobile客户端软件,该公司可能会为他们开发客户,以及,他说。“我认为这是加油慢一点比人认为,这是未来,我认为产品就像我们的好朋友,在VMware和微软一起我们将保持这种趋势下去,”肯内利说。
The impediment with the PDAs and the handhelds has been you have to have a certain amount of storage capacity to do the optimizations. "That storage capacity is now becoming available cheaply and readily for these devices and so we're looking at the market opportunity," he says. "We get a lot of requests from people who would love to see their PDA, their cell phone, their mobile device accelerated, particularly with people trying to view video and get heavy files across the network and onto their PDA … It's something we can look at in 2012, 2013."
The key to successful desktop virtualization