

不带讽刺意味,虚拟应用程序交付控制器(ADC)的主要好处是,它是虚拟的。它不需要部署硬件,成本很低。它是可移动的,因此ADC可以实时从一个位置移动到另一个位置,它可以由任何人(包括应用程序开发人员)自行配置。但虚拟adc也有其缺点。过去,adc一直是位于数据中心的网络和应用程序层之间的物理设备,或者部署在网络边缘,以帮助优化服务交付。2020欧洲杯预赛adc的主要作用是实现负载平衡,但在过去的五年里增加了一些高级特性,如加密、安全、视频优化和一些应用程序特定的特性。这种功能上的转变增加了对不同垂直领域和公司规模的adc的需求。这种需求的增加就是为什么最近推出了如此多的ADC版本,包括虚拟版本。这就引出了一个问题:虚拟adc能否在生产环境中取代物理adc ?毫无疑问,虚拟adc可以用作开发人员的工具,但最大的问题是围绕生产环境,这导致了“虚拟化还是不虚拟化?” In my opinion, the application developer use case is one of the primary use cases for a virtual ADC. This would allow application developers to test how applications respond to the various functions in an ADC before it’s moved into a production environment. Otherwise the developer may write the application one way, then have to modify it after it moves into production. The other obvious use case is for small businesses or companies that haven’t historically used ADCs before. It’s a low cost way to try them out, understand the benefits and then decide whether staying with a virtual ADC is the right thing to do or not. For high performance areas though, I believe that the scalability that is offered up by dedicated, optimized hardware platforms can’t be match by virtual applications. I know many will argue with me on this point but look at pretty much any network function in a high performance area – routers, security devices, session border controllers, WAN Optimization and ADCs to name a few. There are virtual versions of all these devices but there is very little use of the virtual version in high performance areas. Networking is hard and requires specialized hardware to be optimized. Despite the advancements in virtualization technology, physical devices that are deployed on hardware specifically optimized for that specific function will outperform a virtual version on general-purpose hardware. So if the ADC needs to perform to not slow down the application or service, the small amount of CapEx that would be saved by deploying a virtual ADC isn’t worth the risk performance degradation. The heart of a data center or the edge of a network is definitely not the place to skimp, as the service problems that could result will eventually cost more money. I do think virtual ADCs have their place. They can be used to augment a company’s overall ADC strategy. But before making the proclamation that the physical ADC is dead, think about the role the device plays and where it sits in the network.


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