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2007年春季,UPS的Ben Swanson和Joe Parrino参加了关于数据中心功耗日益严重的问题的会议。2020欧洲杯预赛建议的补救措施是基准并分析流过数据中心的功率。2020欧洲杯预赛因此,在会议结束后,设施部门经理斯旺森和数据中心设施经理帕里诺(Parrino)介绍了他们的两个主要数据中心,以了解他们可以采取的措施来提高能源效率,并最终节省资金。2020欧洲杯预赛有关cio.com的更多信息找到数据中心节能的五种方法2020欧洲杯预赛良好的激励措施提高数据中心的能源效率Signposts on the Road to Data Center Energy Savings



此举为UPS节省了160万千瓦时,每年约为124,160美元。这并不是所有的 - 他们也对其机械冷却系统进行了基准测试,并且能够减少能源使用, saving an additional $100,000 annually. The mechanical plant of these UPS data centers consumes about half what a typical data center mechanical plant consumes, according to their benchmarking study, Parrino says.

Despite the potential for savings, however, most IT departments have not rushed to benchmark data center energy efficiency, primarily because there's no incentive to measure it, says Forrester analyst Doug Washburn. He notes that only 11 percent of IT organizations are responsible for paying their energy-related operating costs (the power bill typically goes to the facilities group). But that's changing: More CIOs are being asked to reduce energy consumption, Washburn has found, and, as a result, new metrics-though they come with caveats-appear to help pinpoint which areas of your data center can be optimized.


一种测量能源效率的方法,最近由Uptime Institute, a data center research organization, is Corporate Average Datacenter Efficiency (CADE). This calculation multiplies the efficiency of one's technology by the efficiency of the physical facility. Uptime calculates IT efficiency by multiplying a data center's IT asset utilization rate by the energy efficiency of the servers. It determines the facility efficiency by calculating the amount of space used and multiplying that by theenergy efficiency建筑物。CADE编号越高,您的数据中心效率越高。2020欧洲杯预赛正常运行学院的执行董事肯尼斯·布里尔(Kenneth Brill)表示,这种方法往往最适合大型企业,因为那些通常具有自动监视工具来测量服务器利用率。

Another method-Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)-was developed by The Green Grid, a group of technology companies collaborating to improveenergy efficiency in data centers.

The PUE is calculated by dividing the total utility load (the power coming into your facility) by the total IT equipment load (the power consumed by switches, routers, servers and related gear). In this instance, the lower the PUE, the better.

Forrester's Washburn warns that while these methods can be effective, the measurements required to calculate the benchmarks can be challenging to obtain. "Because most organizations do not pay for their energy-related IT expenditures, many are not measuring energy consumption-especially on a granular level-which is required to actually calculate your data center energy efficiency metrics," he says.


Although the emergence of industry-accepted benchmarks means you can be more certain you're measuring the right things, Washburn also notes it's usually larger businesses that benefit from benchmarking. The bigger the data center, the more energy it consumes and the more likely it will be that you'll have an incentive to reduce consumption. "For smaller businesses, the financial impact may not be as significant, and you can direct your time elsewhere."


Christian Belady, principle power and cooling architect forMicrosoftGlobal Foundation Services and Microsoft's representative to The Green Grid, agrees that there are limits to these metrics, specifically for smaller businesses. But he thinks even small organizations can still benefit by benchmarking on a smaller scale. Belady says that once CIOs decide to benchmark their energy usage, they should consider benchmarks such as The Green Grid's PUE or any other metrics that may make sense for driving the right behavior for their business. "The industry is moving so fast that you can't wait for everyone to have the perfect definition of these metrics," he says.

帕里诺(Parrino)和斯旺森(Swanson)认为,UPS取得成功的一个关键是他们的首席信息官David Barnes的支持和信任,以做出这些决定。斯旺森说:“您需要不断努力挑战自己,并对自己的行动感到建立不满意。”

Whether these metrics come from vendors or industry organizations, Washburn believes that they're a good starting point for benchmarking. "At the end of the day, in most cases you'll be able to use the metrics regardless of which method you chose."

This story, "How to Benchmark Data Center Energy Costs" was originally published byCIO .

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