

在收到技术感到失望,并没有提供2016 IT部门,采取了错误的方向,或根本没有到达。这里就是你的IT团队仍然在等待,当我们进入2017年。



Here’s a rundown of the gifts IT didn’t get in 2016.


If you want to print out a stand for your phone or a model for a new product, you can easily find a 3D printer for the office that can do that — as long as you want to print them out in plastic. You can spend more and get a 3D printer that can UV cure resin and make small objects like custom-fit earplugs in about 10 minutes (I watched my ACS Custom in-ear monitor headphones get printed from digital scans of my ear canals earlier this year). Even HP’s $140,000 Multi Jet Fusion printers — promised for this year and offering multi-color printing — only just went on sale, and they still only print nylon. You can prototype a (plastic) circuit board with conductive ink circuits with the Voxel8 Developer Kit, as long as you pause the printing and add the chips by hand.

真,按需使用范围更广泛的状金属,碳纤维和陶瓷,或使用导电油墨来印刷嵌入在打印部分内的电路材料添加剂的制造方法,仍掉大多数公司的接触。要与内置的应力传感器,物联网(IOT)设备为您的企业或备件办公打印机自定义Internet打印自己的货架?也许明年 - 只要你有一个大的预算,并在其中把包一个大的工业空间。

Touchscreen Macs

Four years after Windows 8 made touchscreen notebook PCs a real thing, the latest Mac notebooks still don’t have touchscreens — and they’re not going to get them. It took a lot of work by Microsoft to make the interface in traditional desktop applications like Office and Explorer work as well with a finger as with the precise point of a mouse cursor; there’s even machine learning to guess what you’re trying to touch.


A post-PC world

While sales of pure tablets seem to have peaked (mainly because we’re mostly happy with the ones we have and aren’t ready to buy new ones yet), what is growing is two-in-one, convertible tablets that give you the advantages of both laptops and tablets. Even the new Windows on ARM PCs coming in 2017 will run x86 applications and join the domain for PC-style management rather than get mobile device management — that seems to be what users and IT admins alike want.

And in business, we’re not even done with desktops yet: They’re cheaper, longer lasting and harder to lose or break than laptops. According to Spiceworks’ annual State of IT report, while EMEA businesses will spend less on desktops than laptops in 2017 (for the first time), in North America the budget for desktops is still a little higher than for laptops.

Proper password replacements

的愿望,以保持设备连接到域可能反映了一个缺乏替代安全选项的信心。多因素认证,生物识别,文档分类,信息权限管理,并适用于人与信息,而不是仍然没有得到普遍部署的设备等安全选项。在Windows Server 2016的Windows 10包括针对传递的哈希和传递的票攻击有力的保护通过网络横向移动,这就是一个原因,许多企业正在向他们的速度。但是,我们仍然还没有得到密码了,一切从网站到云存储服务的银行。

该FIDO 2个标准,目前正在开发中,被内置在Windows中,金融组织如万事达通过,并支持在多台设备。还有一个很好的机会,他们可以用令牌,生物识别和上下文相关的认证代替密码,但可能需要一段时间。毕竟,少数企业已经停止定期到期的口令,即使官方NIST指导今年改为指出的是,使他们不太安全,因为如果你一直让人们学习新的密码,他们要么挑不太复杂的密码或把它们写下来。


当苹果推出了MacBook Air的与它看起来像一个大胆的举动,将启动一项普及,高速互连的到来只有一个USB-C端口:一条电缆可以将笔记本电脑连接到扩展坞提供高速视频,存储和网络连接,多种协议会在什么看起来像一个标准的USB电缆。相反,它似乎已经为我们带来了加密狗的一年,因为这么多的设备仍插入到标准USB端口。




Remember when every business was going to have its own app store (or its own custom version of the big-name app stores) with line of business apps showing up alongside the latest mobile hits? According to the latest CCS Insight decision maker调查只有11%的公司有一个私人的应用程序商店。即使是大企业,这只是29%。而只有28%的公司所做的任何自定义应用程序。这使得大多数员工将公共应用程序商店,并约他们允许做什么有一个很好的协议混乱。虽然决策者的69%的人认为员工应该得到它的批准购买的应用程序,只有31名员工的%的人同意。

Given that the most popular apps are Microsoft Office, Skype, Google Apps, Dropbox and Facebook (if you ask IT teams), and Office, Adobe for PDFs, Skype, LinkedIn and WhatsApp (if you ask employees), private app stores may not be that important, as long as your line of business apps work in mobile web browsers.



Those commodity IaaS options aren’t as interchangeable as they could be: You can use a cloud broker to move VMs from cloud to cloud, but you still need different VPNs for each cloud and every cloud has its own resource management interfaces for controlling resources like storage and databases and its own key management services for encryption.




Plus, the predictions and analyses from machine learning systems are only going to be as good as the data and the data models you feed them. Even then there will be false positives and spurious correlations, as well as deliberate attacks on those systems like the internet trolls who had Microsoft’s Tay bot spewing hate speech. And what you get out of AI-based systems is a prediction with a certainty level, which means we’re going to have to get comfortable dealing with uncertainty, and we need to be prepared for the machine learning failures that are in our future.

Getting off server products before they’re out of support

This one is a gift IT could give itself and rarely does. Support lifecycles are public. It wasn’t a surprise that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 stopped getting support and security updates in April 2016, any more than it would have been a surprise that the Windows Server 2003 you were probably running that database on stopped getting updates in 2015.


给自己明年的礼物,并开始规划怎样做Windows Server 2008和SQL Server 2008中,2020年达到了结束生命。




