足球竞猜app软件网络世界莎伦·戈丹 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 周五,2020年4月10日13点34分42秒-0700 周五,2020年4月10日13点34分42秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 企业按速度被挖走了,网络自动化的有效性 2020年3月4日星期三21:00:00 -0800 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

GHD's foray into network automation wasn't deliberate, but it turned out to be a game changer. Five years ago, the global professional services company, which has 12,000 employees and 260 locations around the world, needed to add another 100 North American sites onto the network because of an acquisition. And time was of the essence.

C. Randy Taylor, global network manager for GHD, decided to get 50 of those sites on the network using traditional Cisco routers, switches and wireless technology. It took 18 months to implement those first 50 sites, and two technicians had to be present on site to bring up each one.

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随着互联网步入50岁,专家们开始权衡未来的进步和新出现的问题 周一,2019年10月28日21时37分00秒-0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


The internet was born when the first Arpanet link was established between the University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute at 22:30 hours on October 29, 1969. UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock and his student Charley Kline sent the first message to Bill Duval, a programmer at Stanford University. That first communication was the spark that ignited the growth of the internet and everything it has brought with it – email, sharing pictures on Facebook, buying books and toasters on Amazon, watching movies on Netflix, cat videos, mean-spirited memes and election-tampering bots.

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如果你的下一个大的租赁是首席A.I.官? 周五,2017年4月28日五点11分00秒-0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

As companies increasingly turn to artificial intelligence to communicate with customers, make sense of big data and find answers to vexing questions, some say it's time to think about hiring a chief A.I. officer.

A chief artificial intelligence Officer – or CAIO -- could round out your C-level execs, sitting at the big table with your CIO, CFO, CTO and CEO.

"A.I. is going to be really important to some companies – enough to have top officers who will focus on just that," said Steve Chien, head of the artificial intelligence group for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "And beyond that, you'll want every employee thinking about how A.I. can improve what they do and you'll want a chief A.I. officer overseeing all of that. They should be constantly thinking about how A.I. can improve things."

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五个陷阱,以避免迁移到云环境时 2017年4月18日星期二05:28:00 -0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <文章> <节类= “网页”>





“这是学习曲线的一部分,” IDC的分析师迪帕克·莫汉说。“将底片归因于云,而不是这些错误,需要加以纠正......如果一个公司没有实现成本节约和他们看不到他们认为他们会得到的结果,其结果是,有在信心下降和降低在云战略的信心,而这将导致通过放缓。 “ 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3190555/five-pitfalls-to-avoid-when-migrating-to-the-cloud.html 人工智能在企业的驾驶座上 星期三,2017年4月12日6点24分00秒-0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


葛兰素史克使用沃森更好地连接与客户。 GSK is rolling out a Watson-based question-and-answer feature first for its Theraflu cold and flu medication, enabling customers to ask questions by voice or text through GSK's online ads.

Staples is testing a smart assistant device that looks like its Easy Button, but that customers can use to order products, track shipments and help with returns. Staples sees the Watson-fueled service as an aid to office managers by having the device handle the brunt of their ordering and delivery tracking, so they can work on other tasks.

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企业去工作,在云 2017年4月10日星期一06:23:00 -0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



美国Heart Association is working with Amazon Web Services to set up a cloud-based system where scientists from around the world can store, share and analyze research data. Making that data available in the cloud could accelerate research and lead to a cure for cardiovascular disease, which is the top cause of death worldwide.

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再见网络先驱。你好,誓言吗? 06:36:00 -0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

After its acquisition of Yahoo wraps up, Verizon plans to place AOL and Yahoo under the umbrella of a new company, called Oath.

AOL chief executive Tim Armstrong on Monday announced the move on Twitter, writing, "Billion+ Consumers, 20+ Brands, Unstoppable Team. #TakeTheOath. Summer 2017."

AOL, which owns the Huffington Post, Engadget and TechCrunch, will pool all of the properties with Yahoo under the Oath umbrella, according to Armstrong, in an interview with CNBC.

"This is a sad thing for everyone who remembers when Yahoo and AOL were riding high," said Dan Olds, an analyst for OrionX. "For many people, AOL was their first experience with the Internet and was probably their first email address. A lot of people's first experience with Internet search, and other services, was probably with Yahoo. Unfortunately, the companies couldn't keep up with the ever-changing competition and fell into the backwaters of the Internet."

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政治Twitter的僵尸启示后,是公司在风险? 星期二,2017年4月4日四点55分00秒-0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

With reports of Russia using social media and bots to push fake news to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, questions are arising over how these same tactics could be used against an enterprise.

"Twitter bots could absolutely be used against a company," said Dan Olds, an analyst with OrionX. "Someone using bots could manufacture a fake groundswell of opinion against a company or a product."

The subject of Twitter bots has made headlines since federal investigations into Russia's interference with the presidential election unearthed evidence that the Kremlin used chatbots, particularly on Twitter, to seed fake news stories in order to confuse discussions and taint certain candidates, especially Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

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隐私维权要公布议员们的浏览器历史记录 2017年3月31日星期五05:28:00 -0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <文章> <节类= “页”>


亚当McElhaney 的,谁自称是隐私活动家和网络中立的倡导者,创造了一个的网站 GoFundMe 页面筹钱买立法者的互联网历史谁支持的分辨率,因此他可以使它们可轻松地搜索到。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3186909/privacy-activist-wants-to-unveil-lawmakers-browser-histories.html 编码器和图书馆员组队保存科学数据 2017年3月20日星期一05:49:00 -0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

On a windy, snowy night in Dover, N.H., about 15 people gathered in an old converted mill, staring at computer screens and furiously tapping at their keyboards.

The group – some students, some programmers, and at least one part-time dishwasher and data entry clerk – were braving the snowstorm and volunteering their time to try to keep scientific data from being lost.

It was one of dozens of data rescue events spread out in cities from Toronto to Los Angeles, and Houston to Chicago. These events, many on university campuses, have been going on since December, bringing together software programmers, librarians and other volunteers who are trying to safely archive scientific data from government websites.

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岩石的任期后,梅耶离开雅虎“玷污” 2017年3月14日星期二05:47:00 -0700 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



“我想她会在多家公司的董事会的结束,但可能不会收到要约头一个公司的高层很快,”与OrionX的分析师丹·奥尔兹说。“她在雅虎任职期间已经玷污了她的品牌,它需要被修复了一下,她得到另一射击在另一科技公司的榜首了。” To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3180532/after-rocky-tenure-mayer-leaves-yahoo-tarnished.html IT领导者说,这是很难保持的云安全 2017年2月16日星期四05:26:00 -0800 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

IT managers are finding it difficult to keep their applications and data safe in the cloud, and many are slowing cloud adoption because of it.

That was one of the findings of an Intel cloud security report that surveyed 2,000 IT professionals in different countries and industries last fall.

The issue isn't with the cloud itself, since trust outnumbers distrust for public clouds by more than two to one, according to Intel's survey.

IT professionals told Intel that shadow IT and a shortage of cybersecurity skills are causing the most problems.

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DARPA:我们是在合并人类和机器的风口浪尖 星期一,2017年2月13日5点50分00秒-0800 沙龙发言 沙龙发言 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



智能外骨骼帮助人们瘫痪再走,的给战士额外的力量和耐力,以及植入计算机芯片帮助盲人再次看到或帮助别人觉得在触摸感假肢脚。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3168941/darpa-we-re-on-cusp-of-merging-human-and-machine.html Facebook的股东将有爬坡从板驱逐扎克伯格 2017年2月9日星期四05:02:00 -0800 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

A move by a watchdog group and a small group of shareholders to oust Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg from his post as chairman would be an uphill battle that would be unlikely to succeed and could hurt the company, analysts said.

It would completely destabilize Facebook," said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst with Moor Insights & Strategy. "Zuckerberg still makes most of the key decisions and without him it would be a major risk… I don't see a single piece of upside in removing Zuckerberg from the board."

It's also unclear whether Zuckerberg could even be removed as chairman, since any shareholder vote would be advisory only.

The proposal is being led by Facebook shareholders who are members of SumOfUs, an international consumer watchdog group focused on "curbing the growing power of corporations."

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Twitter的还击,再次,针对网上巨魔 星期二,2017年2月7日10:35:00 -0800 沙龙发言 沙龙发言

Twitter is extending its campaign to curb trolls and abuse on its social network.

The company announced today that it's making three changes to continue its efforts to give Twitter users more control over what they see on the site and who can use it.

"Making Twitter a safer place is our primary focus," wrote Ed Ho, Twitter's vice president of engineering, in a blog post. "We stand for freedom of expression and people being able to see all sides of any topic. That's put in jeopardy when abuse and harassment stifle and silence those voices. We won't tolerate it and we're launching new efforts to stop it."

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