足球竞猜app软件网络世界莎伦·马科利斯 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年5月22日星期五10:23:22 -0700 2020年5月22日星期五10:23:22 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 技术日历2018-19:即将到来的事件感兴趣的IT专业人员 2018年11月16日星期五06:53:00 -0800 蒂姆·格林和莎伦·马格里斯 蒂姆·格林和莎伦·马格里斯

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美国法律允许H-1B低工资;看看苹果 2017年5月15日星期一05:09:00 -0700 Patrick Thibodeau和Sharon Machlis Patrick Thibodeau和Sharon Machlis

If you work at Apple's One Infinite Loop headquarters in Cupertino as a computer programmer on an H-1B visa, you can can be paid as little as $52,229. That's peanuts in Silicon Valley. Average wages for a programmer in Santa Clara County are more than $93,000 a year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

However, the U.S. government will approve visa applications for Silicon Valley programmers at $52,229 -- and, in fact, did so for hundreds of potential visa holders at Apple alone.

To be clear, this doesn't mean there are hundreds of programmers at Apple working for that paltry sum. Apple submitted a form to the U.S. saying it was planning on hiring 150 computer programmers beginning June 14 at this wage. But it's not doing that.

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在R中创建自己的Slack机器人和web api 2017年2月24日星期五04:48:00 -0800 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

Slack的最大吸引力是它是如此的可扩展。而其主要目的是集团合作,扩展应用程序可以从< a href = " http://www.computerworld.com/article/3141462/business-intelligence/sisense-brings-its-analytics-platform-to-chat-bots.html " target = "平等" >回答提供业务分析< / > < a href = " https://idgus.slack.com/apps/category/At0EFY3MJ4-project-management " target = "平等" > < / >从项目更新工具比如Jira和Trello。

Step 3: Host the R API remote

//m.banksfrench.com//m.banksfrench.com/article/3174087/how-to-create-your-own-slack-bots-and-web-apis-in-r.html IDG内幕
特朗普的目标不再是有利于最大外包商的H-1B体系 2017年2月10日星期五04:31 00 -0800 Patrick Thibodeau, Sharon Machlis Patrick Thibodeau, Sharon Machlis

The outcome of the annual H-1B visa lottery is immigration's Groundhog Day. It's the same result year after year, as the large outsourcing firms continue to lead all others in getting H-1B visas.

But this year may be different, because of President Donald Trump.

The H-1B lottery favors large firms. In the 2015 fiscal year, for instance, the top 10 firms received 38% of all the H-1B visas in computer occupations alone. All these firms, except for Amazon and to a partial extent IBM, are outsourcers. These large companies have the resources to submit enough visa applications to help ensure they receive a bare minimum of approvals.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3168725/trump-eyes-end-to-an-h-1b-system-that-favors-largest-outsourcers.html 特朗普的禁令变成了H-1B签证的斗争 2017年2月7日星期二06:31 00 -0800 Patrick Thibodeau, Sharon Machlis Patrick Thibodeau, Sharon Machlis

The U.S. technology industry warned President Donald Trump that his immigration order will hurt the U.S. economy by making it more difficult for businesses to attract overseas workers. The administration's seven-country ban is, for the tech industry, a blinking caution sign to the world's highly skilled population delivering this message: Come here at your own risk.

Tech firms see the market for highly skilled workers as being "globally competitive," and any changes to immigration rules may inhibit their ability to recruit overseas. Most of these companies hire Indian nationals, who account for as many 70 percent of the H-1B visa holders.

Two hundred and fifty-one H-1B visa applications for people born in the seven banned countries were approved in fiscal year 2015 for computer-related jobs, according to a Computerworld analysis of government immigration data for that year. If new and renewed H-1B visas are counted for multiple years, the number will rise. The seven countries where the immigration ban would apply are Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

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如何真正定制你的Alexa Flash Briefing 2017年1月20日星期五05:19:00 -0800 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

如果你有亚马逊Echo、Dot或其他支持alexa的设备,你可能已经发现了Flash简报。(对于那些还没有与亚马逊设备交谈的人来说,Flash Briefing是一份定制的音频新闻报道。)要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3159634/how-to-really-customize-your-alexa-flash-briefing.html IDG内幕
特朗普的“极端”反恐审查可能是H-1B签证的噩梦 星期三,2016年8月17日10:24:00 -0700 Patrick Thibodeau, Sharon Machlis Patrick Thibodeau, Sharon Machlis

Donald Trump’s call for "extreme vetting" of visa applications, as well as the temporary suspension of immigration from certain countries, would raise fees and add delays for anyone seeking a visa, including H-1B visas, immigration experts said.

In particular, a plan by Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, to stop issuing visas -- at least temporarily -- "from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world" may make it difficult for a significant number of people to get visas.

Data assembled by Computerworld through a Freedom of Information Act request shows foreign workers come from all corners of the world, including "dangerous and volatile regions." Trump outlined his immigration enforcement plan in a speech Monday.

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免费数据可视化与Microsoft Power BI:您的一步一步的指南 2016年7月11日星期一04:29:00 -0700 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

Microsoft has jumped into the free, self-service data analysis space with Power BI.

Power BI offers basic data wrangling capabilities similar to Excel's Power Query. It also lets you create interactive visualizations, reports and dashboards with a few clicks or drag-and-drops; type natural-language questions about your data on a dashboard; and handle files that are too large for Excel.

It can work with dozens of data types -- not only Excel, Access and CSV files, but also Salesforce, Google Analytics, MailChimp, GitHub, QuickBooks Online and dozens of others. And, it will run R scripts -- meaning that any data you can pull in and massage via R you can import into Power BI.

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数据文件为我们的一步一步的指南,以Microsoft Power BI 2016年7月11日星期一04:28:00 -0700 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

如果您想与我们的动手电力BI教程,您可以下载数据文件的下面。阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.banksfrench.com/article/3093515/data-files-for-our-step-by-step-guide-to-microsoft-power-bi.html IDG内幕 给高级用户的11个Excel提示 2016年4月29日星期五06:58:00 -0700 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

Want to get more out of Excel? At Microsoft's inaugural Data Insights Summit last month, several experts offered a slew of suggestions for getting the most out of Excel 2016. Here are 10 of the best.

(Note: Keyboard shortcuts will work for the 2016 versions of Excel, including Mac; those were the versions tested. And many of the query options in Excel 2016's data tab come from the Power Query add-in for Excel 2010 and 2013. So if you've got Power Query on an earlier version of Excel on Windows, a lot of these tips will work for you as well, although they may not work on Excel for Mac.)

1. Use a shortcut to create a table. Tables are among the most useful features in Excel for data that is in contiguous columns and rows. Tables make it easier to sort, filter and visualize, as well as add new rows that maintain the same formatting as the rows above them. In addition, if you make charts from your data, using a table means the chart will automatically update if you add new rows.

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有多少H-1B员工是女性?美国不会说 2016年4月1日星期五05:34:00 -0700 Sharon Machlis, Patrick Thibodeau Sharon Machlis, Patrick Thibodeau

When the U.S. begins accepting applications for new H-1B skilled-worker visas today, we can be certain that tech workers from India will make up a large portion of the requests.

What we probably won't know, though, is how many of those applicants are female.

While program data shows which job categories, countries and companies are awarded the most visas, the federal government says it is not tracking applicants' gender -- although the question is asked on the visa application form. The U.S. begins accepting H-1B visa applications on April 1 for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.

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下载美国IT工作者的普查数据 2016年4月1日星期五05:33:00 -0700 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

你愿意自己分析关于IT工作者的人口普查数据吗?下载美国人口普查局2010-2014年美国社区调查(ACS)数据压缩文件PUMS(公共使用微数据样本)数据。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3050993 / download-us-census-data-on-it-workers。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3050993/download-us-census-data-on-it-workers.html IDG内幕
Microsoft Visual Studio增加了R支持 2016年3月10日星期四10:01 -0800 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis <本文> <节课=“页面”>

微软的Visual Studio本星期增加了R编程语言的支持与开源揭幕的布线工具的Visual Studio ,现在在公共预览可用。


这带来的Visual Studio与广受欢迎的 RStudio IDE 获得显影R代码里面。RStudio具有在R社区的芳心一个显著先拔头筹,为语言创造了一些最流行的库,并采用一些高度重视和精心已知的R-开发商如哈德利韦翰。 要完整地阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3042992/microsoft-visual-studio-adds-r-support.html 额外下载:如何在R中制作彩色主题地图 2016年3月1日星期二05:49:00 -0800 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

注册免费与我们的内部程序,并获得一些下载与我们的故事,"创建地图在R在10(相当)容易的步骤。< / > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3039721 / bonus-downloads-how-to-make-color-coded-thematic-maps-in-r。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3039721/bonus-downloads-how-to-make-color-coded-thematic-maps-in-r.html IDG内幕
Verizon如何用R分析安全漏洞数据 2015年11月5日星期四04:27:00 -0800 沙龙Machlis 沙龙Machlis

Analyzing 200,000 records may not seem like a big task. But when those records are security incidents with potentially hundreds of attributes each -- types of bad actors, assets affected, category of organization and more -- it starts getting a little complex for a spreadsheet. So Verizon's annual security report, which was initially done in Excel, is now generated "soup to nuts" in R.

In fact, the Verizon Data Breach Report is somewhat of "a love letter to R," Bob Rudis, managing principal and senior data scientist at Verizon Enterprise Solutions, told the EARL (Effective Applications of the R Language) Boston conference earlier today.

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