足球竞猜app软件网络世界主要是微软 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 2020年10月21日星期三20:31:30 -0700 2020年10月21日星期三20:31:30 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 古老的微软骗局依然存在 周五,2014年9月19日14:55:00 -0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


她告诉他,她认为这是非常令人印象深刻的是微软呼吁在马萨诸塞州的的每一位客户,通知他们这个问题。“I’ve been using Microsoft products for years, and this is the first personal call I’ve ever gotten,” she said.

He said that Microsoft wanted him to do this, and she said it sounded like a wonderful new service. He told her to go to her computer and together they could fix the problem.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2686005/microsoft-scam-unusual-activity.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软
iPhone 6是苹果的,而搭载Windows操作系统的Lumia 830手机是橙色的。 星期二,2014年9月9日15时37分零零秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

With today’s iPhone announcements Apple confirms its dedication to consumers, advancing beyond what Microsoft’s Windows Phone has to offer them, but the news also leaves Windows Phone as arguably the better phone for businesses.

The new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus feature larger screens, thinner bodies and support for secure credit card transactions. It can tell whether you are cycling or running and whether you are climbing stairs, and has a new motion co-processor to help it do so. Great stuff but not what Microsoft is emphasizing.

+[Also on Network World: The new Microsoft under Satya Nadella; The newest Windows Phone licensee is…Polaroid]+

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2604670/iphone-6-is-an-apple-the-lumia-830-windows-phone-is-an-orange.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 Windows Mobile的
微软在Azure中预览了基于云的Web应用代理服务 星期四,2014年6月12日8时26分○○秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

Microsoft has made available a preview of its upcoming cloud-based Web application proxy service based on Active Directory and Windows Server that seeks to better supporting remote access securely in BYOD programs and easing customer rollouts.

Called Azure AD Application Proxy, the service has a lot of potential upsides – all but eliminating corporate infrastructure changes in order to support remote access to Web apps behind the firewall, providing some DoS protection, eliminating need for VPN access to the apps, per-endpoint access control, support for multi-factor authentication and single sign-on to access multiple applications to name some.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2362785/microsoft-previews-cloud-based-web-apps-proxy-service-in-azure.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软
微软:升级从Office 2003,而不是2013处 星期二,2014年3月25日11点24分00秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在支持,为十年之久的Office 2003到期4月8日的客户应该转换到Office 365,普遍存在生产力套件的基于云的版本,永远不会离开与用户升级的决定。

办公室博客局365队在跳到建议客户去使用该服务,而不是软件本身,他们下载到他们的机器提供的附加功能。客户随后负责维护及充分利用升级和补丁。 <人物类=“小左”> “office2003logo”/

<强> + [同样在网络世界:微软勾画了Office 365的雄心勃勃的增强; Productivity showdown: Google Apps or Office 365?]+

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2226603/microsoft-upgrade-from-office-2003-but-not-to-office-2013.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 软件
安卓的Microsoft版本将是每个人的噩梦 2014年2月13日星期四13:28:49 -0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <文> <节类= "页面" > < p >讨论微软拥抱Android,要么作为一个手机操作系统,Windows < a href = " http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/07/satya-nadella-mobile-windows-phone-android " > < / >和服务特性或通过提供< a href = " http://www.theverge.com/2014/2/12/5404098/microsoft-considering-android-apps-on-windows " >支持Android应用程序内< / >窗口。第一个案例的好处包括吸引那些不愿使用Windows Phone的智能手机用户,以及那些由于Windows Phone应用程序的缺乏而进一步推迟使用Windows Phone的用户。< / p > < p > < >强+(也在网络世足球竞猜app软件界:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2013/121813——微软岁- 277000. - html”> < span > 2013年微软所做的对与错< / span > < / > < / p > < p类=“jumpTag”> < a href = " /文章/ 2226352 / a-microsoft-version-of-android-would-be-a-nightmare-for-everybody。HTML#跳“>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2226352/a-microsoft-version-of-android-would-be-a-nightmare-for-everybody.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 视窗RT和Windows Phone 8的免费的吗? 周四,二零一三年十二月十二日13时07分46秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2225985/windows-rt-and-windows-phone-8-for-free-.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 南方公园:一个死了比尔·盖茨的工程师史蒂夫·鲍尔默的谋杀通过Xbox竞争 2013年11月21日,星期四13:18 13 -0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

The only thing more brutal than Microsoft-Sony gamebox competition is South Park’s depiction of how brutal that competition is.

In the most recent episode, the folks producing the show have created a scene in which Bill Gates lectures a mortally wounded Steve Ballmer about the cutthroat nature of that rivalry. (If you click on that link, beware it’s pretty NSFW. The scene in question is at 7:47)

MORE MICROSOFT: 10 things you didn't know about Windows 1.0 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2225868/south-park--a-dead-bill-gates-engineers-the-murder-of-steve-ballmer-over-xbox-compe.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 2020欧洲杯预赛
FAQ:微软与诺基亚的交易 星期二,2013年9月3日16点32分24秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

微软和诺基亚有一个协议,根据协议,微软将收购芬兰手机和服务的公司,从而真正改造自己从一个软件公司的设备和服务公司 - 的口头禅其高管们一直不懈地重复在过去一年左右的时间。


背景: 微软CEO鲍尔默12个月退休

提问: 史蒂夫·鲍尔默说了什么?


$ 7.17十亿总。这是十亿$ 4.99几乎所有的诺基亚设备和服务业务加上另外$ 2.17十亿许可其专利,并利用其地图服务。微软也投入了额外的$ 1.98十亿证券。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2225282/faq--the-microsoft-nokia-deal.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 2020欧洲杯预赛 微软:鲍尔默可能会离开,但我们的方向不会改变 星期三,2013年8月28日15时23分02秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2225257/microsoft--ballmer-may-be-going-but-our-direction-remains-the-same.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
微软SkyDrive的命中欧洲商标麻烦 2013年7月1日星期一16:16:24 -0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

You’d think Microsoft would have learned its lesson about trademarks and the European Union, but apparently not.

A court in the U.K. says the name of Microsoft’s SkyDrive cloud service violates BSkyB’s trademark on the word sky because it could confuse consumers into thinking SkyDrive is a service of BSkyB, which provides cable TV, including shows sent via the Internet, and acts as an ISP. It also offers TV channels called Sky Moves and Sky Sports, and sells platforms called Sky+, Sky Digital and Sky Broadband.

BACKGROUND: Microsoft to appeal European court's trademark decision over SkyDrive brand

RELIABILITY: Microsoft Hotmail, Outlook, SkyDrive problems could hurt customer confidence

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224880/microsoft-s-skydrive-hits-trademark-trouble-in-europe.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
微软提升其电子前沿基金会的隐私等级 2013年4月30日星期二19:19:53 -0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 微软为保护其存储在云数据中心的客户数据的隐私,采取了更有力的立场,赢得了电子前沿基金会的赞扬。2020欧洲杯预赛>

在一年一度的“谁支持你?”EFF在报告中两次特别表扬了微软——微软公布了向政府提供数据的次数,以及在将私人信息移交给执法部门之前要求获得许可。< / p > < p > < >强相关:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2013/041213 -国税局会-对-隐私权-潮- 268678. - html”> EFF敦促法院保护隐私短信< / > < / p > < p > < >强劲持续:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2013/040613 - Facebook -重- - - home39s 268463. html”> Facebook上重隐私的国内安卓应用< / > < / p > < p类=“jumpTag”> < a href = " /文章/ 2224564 / microsoft-boosts-its-electronic-frontier-foundation-privacy-rating。HTML#跳“>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2224564/microsoft-boosts-its-electronic-frontier-foundation-privacy-rating.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 安全 富士康向微软支付了安卓许可费,尽管谷歌声称这是不合理的 星期三,2013年4月17日10点59分58秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 当谷歌坚持认为微软的Android操作系统中不包含知识产权时,Android设备的制造商认为向微软支付有争议的专利使用费比卷入官司更明智。< / p > < p >最新:富士康的母公司,而构建Android设备的最大份额,微软已同意支付许可费用为每一个电话、平板电脑和电视基于Android或谷歌的其他操作系统,Chrome,根据< a href = " http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/Press/2013/Apr13/04-16FoxconnPR.aspx " > < / >声明发布的微软。


//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224484/foxconn-pays-android-license-fees-to-microsoft-despite-google-s-claim-they-re-unjus.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
微软诱惑的Windows XP企业用户到Windows 8与15%的折扣 2013年4月9日星期二19:45:32 -0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

微软停止支持Windows XP只是从现在起一年也许并不是巧合它提供折扣给谁先从XP升级到Windows 8的客户。

要约的目的是使用高达249个许可证的企业。6月30日前,他们有资格获得15%的折扣升级从Windows SP专业价格到Windows 8专业版。该包装包括Office标准2013在15%的折扣,以及

<强>背景: 的Windows XP下降档,因为用户抓住老化的Windows XP

TEST YOURSELF: The Windows 8 quiz 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224443/microsoft-lures-windows-xp-business-customers-to-windows-8-with-a-15--discount.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
微软的Hotmail,Outlook中,SkyDrive的问题,可能会损害客户信心 星期三,2013年3月13日12时43分21秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

Microsoft paints a rosy picture of customers storing documents and other data in the cloud so they are accessible from any Internet-connected device, but yesterday’s outage of its mail and storage services should make anybody rethink the proposition.

These services are potentially great if the technology delivers on the features Microsoft promises, but availability is key. It’s no good to have email and files queued up and ready to go in a data center somewhere if there is no way to get them delivered.

BACKGROUND: Microsoft has access issues with Hotmail, Outlook, SkyDrive services

TEST YOURSELF: The Windows 8 Quiz 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224282/microsoft-hotmail--outlook--skydrive-problems-could-hurt-customer-confidence.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 SaaS
微软试图捕捉一代Office 365的用户 星期一,2013年3月11日15时25分24秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

微软提供的大学生其基于云计算的办公服务免费半年, a move that could help solidify Office as a package they’ll want to keep using once they graduate.

The offer gives eligible students Office 365 for three months plus an additional three months if they share the offer on their Facebook pages.

RESEARCH: 6 of the very coolest new Microsoft lab projects

NEWS: Microsoft Patch Tuesday targets Internet Explorer drive-by attacks

HELP: 11 (FREE!) Microsoft tools to make life easier 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224259/microsoft-seeks-to-capture-a-generation-of-office-365-users.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 微软365
微软可能会支付数十亿美元在欧洲运行发生冲突 2013年3月5日星期二13:07:24 -0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 微软公司由于未能在其Windows操作系统上为其客户提供足够的浏览器选择,在欧洲面临严厉的处罚。现在,它还受到丹麦税务机关的追赶。欧盟委员会去年裁定,微软没有遵守一项命令,该命令要求用户在安装Windows电脑时明确选择使用ie以外的浏览器。

ALSO: 微软,谷歌搜索隐私之战

< strong> in PHOTOS:
0 1微软的史蒂夫·鲍尔默说什么?阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2224222/microsoft-could-pay-billions-for-running-afoul-in-europe.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 是否应Azure的客户担心的可靠性? 星期一,2013年2月25日17时31分01秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

It’s hard to stay on top of everything all the time so it’s understandable that something like renewing a security certificate could fall through the cracks as it did to Microsoft last week, grinding its Azure Cloud Service to a halt.

But if you provide a critical service to corporate customers,  routine updates -  like renewing certificates before they expire – ought to be just another routine part of doing business, details that gets taken care of in a routine way.

BACKGROUND: Microsoft's Azure service hit by expired SSL certificate 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2224167/should-azure-customers-worry-about-reliability-.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 电信行业
Windows 8的大师名前8个趋势在CES 星期四,2013年1月17日13点23分34秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

谁负责监督生产的Windows 8为微软然后退出还是有什么他的前雇主达的基础上,他讲述了他在CES 2013喜欢最新的博客钦佩的人上周。

前八名的趋势史蒂芬辛诺夫斯基在展会下跌符合了微软一直在大力宣扬与Windows 8,表面片和新服务,以补充操作系统发现。<图>

他说,移动性,设计语言,硬件的质量和综合服务是他在CES上看到的主要趋势。自动更新,与社交网络整合,常见的设备(冰箱,门锁等)连接到互联网,并增加网络带宽轮淘汰,他指出主要趋势。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2223865/windows-8-guru-names-the-top-8-trends-at-ces.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 Windows 8的便携式电脑得到物美价廉,由2013圣诞长寿命? 星期二,2013年1月8日9时五十分20秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 英特尔表示,600美元的Windows 8超级本要等到明年圣诞节才能买到。嗯,差不多吧。公司< / p > < p > < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2013/010813 -英特尔-承诺- 599触摸屏ultrabook - 265588. - html " > < / >预测,到今年年底PC制造商将制造低功率便携式电脑触摸屏根据新的英特尔芯片可以支持Windows 8的硬件规格。< / p > < p > < >强背景:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2013/010713 265469. - html?——超级本hpg1 = bn”> Ultra-hyped ultrabook ultra-flopped 2012年< / > < / p > < p > < >强学习:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2012/120512 - windows8捷径- 264806. - html”> 12必要的Windows 8键盘快捷键< / > < / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " / / 2223791 /条windows-8-portables-to-get-inexpensive——长——住——圣诞- 2013。HTML#跳“>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2223791/windows-8-portables-to-get-inexpensive--long-lived-by-xmas-2013-.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 “给讨厌的人的圣诞礼物:Windows 8” 2012年12月7日星期五12:23:28 -0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <文> <节类= "页面" > < p >,总体运行在< a href = " http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2012/12/05/christmas-gift-for-someone-you-hate-windows-8/ " >博客< / >,麻省理工学院的研究人员和教练以及企业家菲利普·格林斯潘谁跑Windows 8通过其步,发现它想要在几个方面。他非常具体,提出了一些好的观点,总结如下:“假设你是Windows NT/XP/Vista/7的专业用户,iPad的专业用户,安卓手机的专业用户……你将不知道如何使用Windows 8。

RELATED: 12个基本的Windows 8键盘快捷键

阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2223651/-christmas-gift-for-someone-you-hate--windows-8-.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 传闻Surface平板电脑的追随者;原曲面的降阶 周一,2012年12月3日17点11分22秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在大的Windows 8的传闻了今天,微软已经削减了一半的为了表面RT平板电脑甚至是公司在厚厚的工作对下一代产品

首先,在订单切割。That rumor comes from DigiTimes which says the order for Surface RT tablets has been cut from 4 million to 2 million. That’s based on unnamed sources.

The same post says Microsoft is considering lowering the price of Surface Pro, the full Windows 8 x86 version of its new hardware. That would be surprising given that the company just announced the price of Surface Pro (starts at $899) last week.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223615/rumored-follow-ons-for-surface-tablets--reduced-orders-for-original-surface.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
微软收购主演其Surface平板电视上的“郊区故事” 星期四,2012年11月29日8时32分41秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

昨天晚上,微软花费什么一定是传闻中的$ 1十亿营销预算用于其Windows 8面片的健康大块最全面的产品展示位置的人会在看到TV sit-com.

The tablet was actually written into the script of ABC’s "Suburgatory" as the love interest for the lead character, Tessa, who at one point refers to the device as "sexy" and "the man in my life."

SEE IT: Surface on Suburgatory slideshow

RELATED: Microsoft greases the skids for Windows 8 developers 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223584/microsoft-buys-a-starring-role-for-its-surface-tablet-on-tv-s--suburgatory-.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
史蒂芬·辛诺夫斯基为什么要离开微软? 星期二,2012年11月13日8点32分56秒-0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 很难想象,在微软发布了两款产品并被其CEO评为公司历史上最重要的三件事之后,为什么会有人离开微软最有权势的职位之一。但这正是史蒂芬·辛诺夫斯基所做的,他辞去了Windows和Windows Live部门总裁的职位,Windows 8和微软Surface平板电脑正是在这个部门诞生的。< / p > < p > < >强背景:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2012/111312 -微软-西诺夫斯基- 264204. - html”> Steven Sinofsky在微软< / > < / p > < p > <强>常见问题:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2012/111312 -微软-西诺夫斯基-常见问题- 264207. - html”>西诺夫斯基离开微软< / > < / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 2223491 / why-is-steven-sinofsky-really-leaving-microsoft -。HTML#跳“>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2223491/why-is-steven-sinofsky-really-leaving-microsoft-.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 在微软的Surface RT裂缝 2012年11月12日星期一10:59:34 -0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

If people don’t like Microsoft’s Surface RT tablet-notebook fusion hardware for Windows 8, they should stick around for the enterprise-ready version coming out early next year, CEO Steve Ballmer says.

That device, Surface Pro, is based on Intel processors and has a higher-resolution screen than Surface RT. It can also run any application that Windows 7 supports as well as the Windows Store applications that are specifically designed to exploit Windows 8’s touch-centric user interface.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223486/cracks-in-microsoft-s-surface-rt.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
企业将不得不支付,如果他们想在BYOD iPad和Android平板电脑的办公室 2012年11月7日星期三16:43:09 -0800 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在大微软的传闻是,该公司即将在明年推出与iOS和Android手机和平板电脑版本的Office - 排序

According to The Verge, Office Mobile will be a free app that enables reading but not editing of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. Microsoft already has Office Mobile for Windows Phone and Symbian devices.

In order to use the Office apps for reading, customers will need to open a Microsoft account, according to The Verge, and if they want to edit documents as well they will have to buy a subscription to Microsoft’s cloud service Office 365. So there will be no one-time purchase of the application, The Verge says.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223468/businesses-will-have-to-pay-up-if-they-want-office-on-byod-ipads-and-android-tablet.html#tk。rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 iPad iPhone 微软办公软件
Windows 8的推出是一个非事件为企业 2012年10月22日星期一11:59:50 -0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

的Windows 8将在未来几周内得到敲定为消费者试用新的操作系统的第一次。

他们的反应可能会从这些评论者是谁发现太多可抱怨的一点不同。 The bottom line is that Windows 8 – particularly on a tablet – does not behave much like any previous Windows PC operating system.

That means Windows 8 customers have to learn something new, which is often a slow and tedious and unwelcome process. That’s compounded if the tasks being attempted are routine – that is they are routine if they are done using a familiar operating system.

TROUBLE ALREADY: Microsoft all out of Surface RT tablets

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223360/windows-8-launch-is-a-non-event-for-businesses.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗
那些Windows 8电视广告?他们是真实的。 2012年10月10日星期三17:23:07 -0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 微软的版权声明已经迫使他们删除了几个不知怎么泄露到网络上的Windows 8电视广告。微软的版权保护可能只是为了保护Windows 8的名字,而不是实际的商业广告,但是大量的证据表明这些广告是真实的,也是微软想要保护的。

< strong> windows8 DEVICES:
星期三,2012年9月26日12时27分08秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林

Intel’s press event tomorrow in praise of upcoming Windows 8 machines could be awkward in the wake of news that the company’s CEO deems the new Microsoft operating system unready and in need of improvements.

Just about a month away from the Windows 8 launch, Intel  and executives from Acer, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung and ZTE are going to tout new tablets and convertibles – just the type of gear for which Windows 8 was designed. 

HOLIDAY CHEER?: Windows 8 is looking forward to Christmas 

SURFACE : This Windows 8 tablet might actually be a PC

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/2223201/intel-chief-s-candor-about-windows-8-could-sabotage-tablet-event.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 什么办公室RT缺乏 周五,2012年9月14日13时02分27秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 微软正在ARM设备(即Windows RT)上捆绑Office应用程序和Windows 8的一个子集,但这些应用程序并不能完成它们在传统pc上的所有功能。>

According to a Microsoft Office Next blog, Office Home &Student 2013 RT将包括自定义版本的Word、Excel、PowerPoint和OneNote。明显缺乏的是Outlook,微软通过添加一个单独的邮件程序来解决这一问题。< / p > < p > < >强相关:< /强> < >为什么Windows RT封闭的Windows 8应用程序环境:权力< / > < / p > < p > <强>:< /强> < a href = " //m.banksfrench.com/news/2012/091312 -办公室- - - - - - - Windows - RT - - 262454. - html”>办公室窗户RT船在11月和1月< / > < / p > < p类=“jumpTag”> < a href = " /文章/ 2223132 / what-office-for-rt-lacks。HTML#跳“>阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2223132/what-office-for-rt-lacks.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 软件 为什么选择Windows RT有一个封闭的Windows 8应用环境:电源 周五,2012年9月14日12时09分29秒-0700 蒂姆·格林 蒂姆·格林 Windows RT——基于arm的Windows 8设备,严格控制应用程序的加载——将更长的电池寿命作为最高目标,这很好地解释了为什么微软对应用程序开发提出了严格的要求。< / p > < p >公司甚至不得不修补的Office应用程序标准与Windows RT为了使他们更power-friendly,并详细一些的经历在办公室下< a href = " http://blogs.office.com/b/office-next/archive/2012/09/13/building-office-for-windows-rt.aspx " > < / >的博客。>

APPS FOR RT: Windows商店在全球范围内开设,并提供少量的应用程序

阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/2223131/why-windows-rt-has-a-closed-windows-8-apps-environment--power.html#tk.rss_mostlymicrosoft 微软 视窗 软件