足球竞猜app软件网络世界的破坏者 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期三,2020年4月15日22时24分09秒-0700 星期三,2020年4月15日22时24分09秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 收获周围能量意志力物联网,科学家们说, 2020年4月15日星期三11:00:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


“就像阳光是能量的自由来源,我们尽量收获,所以有磁场的,”沙善普里亚,材料科学与工程,并在宾夕法尼亚州立大学的研究助理副总裁的教授,在发表声明的上的大学网站。“我们有这种无处不在的存在于我们的家庭,办公场所,工作场所和汽车的能源,它是无处不在,我们有机会收获这一背景噪音并将其转换为可用的电能。” 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3536697/harvesting-ambient-energy-will-power-iot-scientists-say.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛 人工智能将如何用于管理5G网络 2020年4月7日星期二21:00:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Telco infrastructure provider Nokia launched a new service aimed at helping operators use artificial intelligence and automation to better manage their 5G networks and avoid network and service-level failures.

"Traditional network and service management approaches are no longer sustainable," Nokia said in a press release announcing its AVA 5G Cognitive Operations. The new framework, pitched at communications service providers (formerly called mobile network operators), relies on virtualization and network slicing to improve wireless network performance.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3535337/how-ai-will-be-used-to-manage-5g-networks.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络管理
神经计算应该基于昆虫的大脑,而不是人类的大脑 2020年3月31日星期二03:16:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


“这是非常令人印象深刻的是一只蜜蜂可以在5英里飞,然后记住它回家的路上,有思想的针头大小,”詹姆斯·马歇尔教授,谢菲尔德大学,经其在报告多个报纸引述说:演示马歇尔在二月美国协会为科学大会的进步作出。 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [通过注册网络世界通讯获取定期的见解。]

“这对我来说很有意义,我们应该尝试足球竞猜app软件和[自治系统]模仿蜜蜂的大脑,无人驾驶飞机和无人驾驶汽车。” 要阅读此一rticle完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3534528/neural-computing-should-be-based-on-insect-brains-not-human-ones.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛 “人工智能无处不在”的物联网芯片来自Arm 2020年3月16日星期一15:19:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Silicon microchip maker Arm is working on a new semiconductor design that it says will enable machine learning, at scale, on small sensor devices. Arm has completed testing of the technology and expects to bring it to market next year.

Artificial intelligence, implemented locally on "billions and ultimately trillions" of devices is coming, the company says in a press release. Arm Holdings, owned by Japanese conglomerate Softbank, says its partners have shipped more than 160 billion Arm-based chips to date, and that 45 million of its microprocessor designs are being placed within electronics every day.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3532094/ai-everywhere-iot-chips-coming-from-arm.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 硬件
中国汽车巨头吉利计划的私人卫星网络,以支持自主车 2020年3月4日星期三21:04:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 什么是真实演变成一个移动技术公司和自主车大量投资需要添加到其生态系统的大型汽车制造商?Probably connectivity, and that’s likely why Chinese car giant Geely says it will be building its own satellite data network.

A need for “highly accurate, autonomous driving solutions,” is part of what’s driving the strategy, the company says in a press release. Geely – the largest car maker in China and whose assets include Volvo and a stake in Lotus – has begun building a test facility in Taizhou City where it will develop satellite models, the company says.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3530336/chinese-auto-giant-geely-plans-a-private-satellite-network-to-support-autonomous-vehicles.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
海水,湿度激发新的方式来产生电力 2020年3月3日星期二21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 未来的电力供应危机的方法可行 - 通过在数据使用一个全球性的增加,部分的刺激 - 是推动研究人员发挥创意的摆新的和修改的方式来产生和储存能量 进行中的项目包括使用海水电池。敛环境湿度;海量储水系统水电;和太阳能电池板在晚上的工作。这里还有一些细节: 基于海水 电池海水将提供“超级电池”,南丹麦大学的说。研究人员有一直在研究如何使用钠,其是在海水中丰富,如在电池的替代锂。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3529893/seawater-humidity-inspire-new-ways-to-generate-power.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 物联网 离无电池设备更近了 星期三,2020年2月26日21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

IoT sensors that don't require power sources could be coming soon. Researchers from University of California, San Diego, claim they've figured out how to optimize lab-based modules to such an extent that a Wi-Fi radio, used in IoT for communications with a network, could soon be using 5,000-times less energy and yet still feature enough bandwidth to send video.

The technique being exploited takes advantage of backscattering. That's a way of parasitically using radio signals inherent in everyday environments. In this case, the chip piggybacks on existing Wi-Fi transmissions to send its data. This method of sending data is power-light, because the carrier needed for the radio transmission is already created—it doesn’t need new energy for the message to be sent.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3528551/getting-closer-to-no-battery-devices.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
一款售价399美元的设备,可以将大脑信号转换成数字指令 2020年2月18日(星期二)21:05:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Scientists have long envisioned brain-sensing technology that can translate thoughts into digital commands, eliminating the need for computer-input devices like a keyboard and mouse. One company is preparing to ship its latest contribution to the effort: a $399 development package for a noninvasive, AI-based, brain-computer interface.

The kit will let "users control anything in their digital world by using just their thoughts," NextMind, a commercial spinoff of a cognitive neuroscience lab claims in a press release.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3526446/nextmind-wearable-device-translates-brain-signals-into-digital-commands.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 软件开发 网络
未来“智能墙”键,物联网 星期一,2020年2月10日13:52:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

IoT equipment designers shooting for efficiency should explore the potential for using buildings as antennas, researchers say.

Environmental surfaces such as walls can be used to intercept and beam signals, which can increase reliability and data throughput for devices, according to MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

Researchers at CSAIL have been working on a smart-surface repeating antenna array called RFocus. The antennas, which could be applied in sheets like wallpaper, are designed to be incorporated into office spaces and factories. Radios that broadcast signals could then become smaller and less power intensive.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3519440/future-smart-walls-key-to-iot.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
如何细菌可以运行物联网 星期四,2020年1月30日21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Biologically created computing devices could one day be as commonplace as today’s microprocessors and microchips, some scientists believe. Consider DNA, the carrier of genetic information and the principal component of chromosomes; it's showing promise as a data storage medium.

A recent study (PDF) suggests taking matters further and using microbes to network and communicate at nanoscale. The potential is highly attractive for the Internet of Things (IoT), where concealability and unobtrusiveness may be needed for the technology to become completely ubiquitous.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3518413/how-bacteria-could-run-the-internet-of-things.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
开放运行的5G能有多“白盒” 星期四,2020年1月23日15:41:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

One of Britain’s principal mobile networks, O2, has just announced that it intends to deploy Open Radio Access Network technology (O-RAN) in places.

O-RAN is a wireless industry initiative for designing and building radio network solutions using “a general-purpose, vendor-neutral hardware and software-defined technology,” explains Telecom Infra Project, the body responsible, on its website.

TIP is the trade body that, along with Intel and Vodafone, conceived of the technology alternative – an attempt at toppling the dominance of Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia, which provide almost all mobile telco infrastructure now.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3516075/how-open-ran-could-white-box-5g.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
超越摩尔定律:仿神经计算? 2020年1月21日星期二05:33:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

With the conceivable exhaustion of Moore’s Law – that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years – the search is on for new paths that lead to reliable incremental processing gains over time.

One possibility is that machines inspired by how the brain works could take over, fundamentally shifting computing to a revolutionary new tier, according to an explainer study released this month by Applied Physics Reviews.

“Today’s state-of-the-art computers process roughly as many instructions per second as an insect brain,” say the paper’s authors Jack Kendall, of Rain Neuromorphics, and Suhas Kumar, of Hewlett Packard Labs. The two write that processor architecture must now be completely re-thought if Moore’s law is to be perpetuated, and that replicating the “natural processing system of a [human] brain” is the way forward.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3514692/beyond-moores-law-neuromorphic-computing.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 网络 2020欧洲杯预赛
即时、安全的数据“传送”正在进行中 2020年1月14日星期二11:47:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Sending information instantly between two computer chips using quantum teleportation has been accomplished reliably for the first time, according to scientists from the University of Bristol, in collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Data was exchanged without any electrical or physical connection – a transmission method that may influence the next generation of ultra-secure data networks.

Teleportation involves the moving of information instantaneously and securely. In the “Star Trek” series, fictional people move immediately from one place to another via teleportation. In the University of Bristol experiment, data is passed instantly via a single quantum state across two chips using light particles, or photons. Importantly, each of the two chips knows the characteristics of the other, because they’re entangled through quantum physics, meaning they therefore share a single physics-based state.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3512037/instant-secure-teleportation-of-data-in-the-works.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 网络 物联网
2020年DIY通信网络的趋势,主要电信公司说 2020年1月9日星期四15:17:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


该公司是指完全加密网格和对等网络应用程序为,使这些消费级技术“现成的电网,构建自己动手”的链接。目应用也将在灾害其中传统网络失败有用的。 <一边类=“fakesidebar”> [定期获取通过注册网络世界通讯计划的见解。]

“沟通无中足球竞猜app软件央协调网络是吸引人们的原因有很多,而在2020年,我们希望看到更多的走这条路,特别是在冲突的情况下,调动了抗议,并简单地停留在雷达之下”的公司表示在其网站上 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3512648/diy-communications-networks-to-trend-in-2020-says-major-telco.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 移动 研究人员的目标为晶体管,在一个部件计算和存储 2020年1月6日星期一21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Researchers at Purdue University have made progress towards an elusive goal: building a transistor that can both process and store information. In the future, a single on-chip component could integrate the processing functions of transistors with the storage capabilities of ferroelectric RAM, potentially creating a process-memory combo that enables faster computing and is just atoms thick.

The ability to cram more functions onto a chip, allowing for greater speed and power without increasing the footprint, is a core goal of electronics design. To get where they are today, engineers at Purdue had to overcome incompatibilities between transistors – the switching and amplification mechanisms used in almost all electronics – and ferroelectric RAM. Ferroelectric RAM is higher-performing memory technology; the material introduces non-volatility, which means it retains information when power is lost, unlike traditional dielectric-layer-constructed DRAM.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3510638/researchers-aim-to-build-transistors-that-c​​an-compute-and-store-information-in-one-component.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 硬件 2020欧洲杯预赛
空间数据即服务(Space-data-as-a-service)准备起飞 2019年12月12日星期四10:15:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

待办空间商业需要硬化边计算在小型脚印尺寸环境具有强大的链接回地球说厂商OrbitsEdge, which recently announced that it had started collaborating with Hewlett Packard Enterprise on computing-in-orbit solutions.

OrbitsEdge says it’s the first to provide a commercial data-center environment for installing in orbit, and will be using HPE’s Edgeline Converged Edge System in a hardened, satellite micro-data-center platform that it’s selling called SatFrame.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3489484/space-data-as-a-service-prepares-to-take-off.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 物联网
研究人员试验了一种不需要电子冷却的玻璃存储器 2019年12月5日星期四07:34:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Hard drives aren’t going to be capacious enough for future data archiving and retrieval requirements, scientists believe, as applications such as artificial intelligence, wide-scale Internet of Things connectivity, and virtual and augmented reality take hold. Glass could be the answer.

Encoding in glass would have advantages over hard drives and other mediums, experts suggest. Holding capacity is greater, and the slivers of quartz being experimented with don’t need cooling or dehumidifying environments.

Microsoft Research, working in the UK along with the University of Southampton, announced that it has been able to store an entire movie on a quartz, glass-based storage medium. The team stored and retrieved a full-length Superman film on a small slab of the special material that measures about 3 inches square and less than a tenth of an inch thick.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3488556/researchers-experiment-with-glass-based-storage-that-doesnt-require-electronics-cooling.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 企业存储
为了提高效率,物联网传感器必须有两个无线电 周三,二〇一九年十一月二十日21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

For the Internet of Things to become ubiquitous, many believe that inefficiencies in the powering of sensors and radios has got to be eliminated. Battery chemistry just isn’t good enough, and it’s simply too expensive to continually perform truck-rolls, for example, whenever batteries need changing out. In many cases, solar battery-top-ups aren’t the solution because that, usually-fixed, technology isn’t particularly suited to mobile, or impromptu, ad hoc networks.

Consequently, there’s a dash going on to try to find either better chemistries that allow longer battery life or more efficient chips and electronics that just sip electricity. An angle of thought being followed is to wake-up network radios only when they need to transmit a burst of data. Universities say they are making significant progress in this area.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3454404/iot-sensors-must-have-two-radios-for-efficiency.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
太空能源可以在需要的地方发射电力 星期三,2019年11月13日十三点35分00秒-0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <本文> <节课=“页面”> 捕获太空太阳能,然后喜气洋洋下来到地球可能在以前从未见过的地方提供稳定的电力供应。应在AS-尚未检验的思想工作,并具有可扩展性,它拥有的的IoT 多个传感器的部署中,无线移动网络桅杆安装和远程边缘的数据中心。 自由基的想法是,超高效太阳能电池收集2020欧洲杯预赛sun’s power in space, convert it to radio waves, and then squirt the energy down to Earth, where it is converted into usable power. The defense industry, which is championing the concept, wants to use the satellite-based tech to provide remote power for forward-operating bases that currently require difficult and sometimes dangerous-to-obtain, escorted fuel deliveries to power electricity generators.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3453601/space-sourced-power-could-beam-electricity-where-needed.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛 网络
廉价物联网卫星网络获得批准 周三,2019年11月6日21:00:00 -0800 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Space communications start-up Swarm Technologies will begin delivering commercial, bi-directional Internet of Things (IoT) data early next year, according to the company, which has just received its regulatory go-ahead to launch its satellites and transmit.

“Swarm will begin rolling out its commercial, two-way data offerings in early 2020,” Sara Spangelo, co-founder and CEO told me in a recent e-mail. The company aims to deploy 150 satellites before the end of 2020, she says. The FCC, in October, granted Part 25 approval for the startup to deploy and operate 150 non-geostationary, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, for non-voice purposes.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3452496/cheap-iot-satellite-network-gets-approval.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 科技行业
无线噪声协议可以扩展物联网的范围 星期四,2019年10月31日8点58分00秒-0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

The effective range of Wi-Fi, and other wireless communications used in Internet of Things networks could be increased significantly by adding wireless noise, say scientists.

This counter-intuitive solution could extend the range of an off-the-shelf Wi-Fi radio by 73 yards, a group led by Brigham Young University says. Wireless noise, a disturbance in the signal, is usually unwanted.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3449819/wireless-noise-protocol-can-extend-iot-range.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络
NICT成功演示了每秒pb的网络节点 2019年10月25日星期五03:00:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Petabit-class networks will support more than 100-times the capacity of existing networks, according to scientists who have just demonstrated an optical switching rig designed to handle the significant amounts of data that would pour through future petabit cables. One petabit is equal to a thousand terabits, or a million gigabits.

Researchers at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan routed signals with capacities ranging from 10 terabits per second to 1 petabit per second through their node. Those kinds of capacities, which could send 8K resolution video to 10 million people simultaneously, are going to be needed for future broadband video streaming and Internet of Things at scale, researchers believe. In-data-center applications and backhaul could benefit.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3447857/nict-successfully-demos-petabit-per-second-network-node.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 网络
2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心液体冷却获得动力 星期三,2019年10月16日10:17:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


施耐2020欧洲杯预赛德电气的主要能源管理专家,这个月宣布刷新推动在2014年构思与液冷专家Iceotope 合作。现在,技术解决方案公司安富利一直带进合作 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [获取通过注册网络世界通讯定期的见解。<足球竞猜app软件/ A>

在三个公司将开发机箱级别的身临其境的液体冷却数据中心,施耐德电气说,在一个新闻稿。液体冷却在电介质流体系统泅服务器组件,而不是其产生的环境空气中冷却空气冷却系统。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3446027/data-center-liquid-cooling-to-gain-momentum.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心管理 重建互联网项目获得资金 2019年10月9日星期三13:11:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

The Internet of Things and 5G could be among the benefactors of an upcoming $20 million U.S. government cash injection designed to come up with new architectures to replace existing public internet.

FABRIC, as the National Science Foundation-funded umbrella project is called, aims to come up with a proving ground to explore new ways to move, keep and compute data in shared infrastructure such as the public internet. The project “will allow scientists to explore what a new internet could look like at scale,” says the lead institution, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in a media release. And it “will help determine the internet architecture of the future.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3444765/reimagining-the-internet-project-gets-funding.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 互联网 网络
如何简单的毫米波架构可以连接物联网 2019年9月25日星期三07:53:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Current wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi, won’t provide enough support for the billions of internet of things (IoT) sensors and networks that are expected to come on stream in the next few years, say researchers. More speed, efficiency and bandwidth will be needed. Plus, the equipment must cost significantly less than existing gear, including upcoming 5G equipment.

To address the issue, scientists at University of Waterloo are developing a stripped-down version of millimeter wave technology.

“A growing strain will be placed on requirements of wireless networks,” the researchers say in an article announcing a new low-power, low-cost 5G network technology that it calls mmX. They say the technology is specifically geared towards IoT.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3440498/how-a-simpler-mmwave-architecture-can-connect-iot.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 物联网 网络 5克 移动
空间互联网服务即将成为现实 2019年9月19日星期四06:24:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Test results from recent Low Earth Orbit internet satellite launches are starting to come in—and they're impressive. 

OneWeb, which launched six Airbus satellites in February, says tests show throughput speeds of over 400 megabits per second and latency of 40 milliseconds. 

Partnering with Intellian, developer of OneWeb user terminals, OneWeb streamed full high-definition video at 1080p resolution. The company tested for latency, speed, jitter, handover between satellites, and power control.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3439140/space-internet-service-closer-to-becoming-reality.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 互联网 网络
6G将如何工作:太赫兹到光纤的转换 2019年9月13日星期五05:30:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊 <文章> <节类=“网页”> 近期6G无线,取代5G和2030年可能到达,在每秒几百千兆比特的设想功能。慢慢地,所需要的技术的进步正在作出。 在技术发展的一个孔迄今一直在太赫兹光谱和硬的,光传输线之间的接口。一个人如何连接太赫兹,这基本上是通过空中频谱微波和红外线之间发现,到将需要较长的距离数据发送传输线?地球的曲率,一方面,限制了视线,所以硬布线是必要的距离。短的距离,也可以通过环境障碍阻碍:通过对象,即使雨或雾阻断,变得更加清楚,光谱中的较高的一个前进,如波长变短 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3438337/how-6g-will-work-terahertz-to-fiber-conversion.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 网络 移动 5克 2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心冷却:无电系统将多余的建筑热量送入空间 2019年9月5日星期四08:23:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

We all know that blocking incoming sunlight helps cool buildings and that indoor thermal conditions can be improved with the added shade. More recently, though, scientists have been experimenting with ways to augment that passive cooling by capturing any superfluous, unwanted solar heat and expelling it, preferably into outer space, where it can’t add to global warming.

Difficulties in getting that kind of radiative cooling to work are two-fold. First, directing the heat optimally is hard.

“Normally, thermal emissions travel in all directions,” says Qiaoqiang Gan, an associate professor of electrical engineering at University at Buffalo, in a news release. The school is working on radiative concepts. That’s bad for heat spill-over and can send the thermal energy where it’s not wanted—like into other buildings.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3435769/data-center-cooling-electricity-free-system-sends-excess-building-heat-into-space.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心管理
2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心特有的AI任务完成快两倍 2019年8月29日星期四10:57:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Data centers running artificial intelligence (AI) will be significantly more efficient than those operating with hand-edited algorithm schedules, say experts at MIT. The researchers there say they have developed an automated scheduler that speeds cluster jobs by up to 20 or 30 percent, and even faster (2x) in peak periods.

The school’s AI job scheduler works on a type of AI called “reinforcement learning” (RL). That’s a trial-and-error-based machine-learning method that modifies scheduling decisions depending on actual workloads in a specific cluster. AI, when done right, could supersede the current state-of-the-art method, which is algorithms. They often must be fine-tuned by humans, introducing inefficiency.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3434597/data-center-specific-ai-completes-tasks-twice-as-fast.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 2020欧洲杯预赛 2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心管理
突破带来一个量子互联网更紧密 2019年8月20日星期二14:18:00 -0700 帕特里克·纳尔逊 帕特里克·纳尔逊

Breakthroughs in the manipulation of light are making it more likely that we will, in due course, be seeing a significantly faster and more secure Internet. Adoption of optical circuits in chips, for example, to be driven by quantum technologies could be just around the corner.

Physicists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), have just announced a dramatic leap forward in the methods used to accurately place light sources in atom-thin layers. That fine positioning has been one block in the movement towards quantum chips.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3432509/breakthroughs-bring-a-quantum-internet-closer.html#tk.rss_thedisruptor 互联网 物联网