

123.4 第4页

当然可以。我们将数据分析和数据库作为服务作为我们整体上层建筑的补充元素,这对我们来说是战略性的。这些对我们来说非常重要。我们已经有了几十种不同的实现,我们在这里获得了一些能力。我们的一名员工为我设计了一个插图,说明了我们向一家重型设备制造商提供的一种特殊解决方案,你问:提供这种基于条件的维护解决方案涉及到什么?这很完美,因为每一项资产都投入使用。但在商业建议方面也有一个前端的机会。这是流程再造。我们的客户会来问我们这样的问题:“我看到了,我听说了,我知道人们在做一些事情,但我不知道我能做什么。”我不知道在这里该做什么。 Why would I invest? What's the TCO for me? How do I capture value from this?" That's where we are beginning to gain some real competency. So for me [it's about] commercializing that. We have a reasonable professional services business. We don't disclose specifics, but it's not a bad business. It's principally security network integration. We see machine-to-machine as another great opportunity here, because the market is hungry for information. Our claim to fame there is not academic. When we deliver that front-end business process consultation, we're also the guys who do the integration and implementation. You need maybe 10, 12, 15 players embedded in those solutions because of the breadth of them. We fuse those together and then in some cases we do the ongoing management as well. That's a real opportunity. I'm not sure if it's 12 billion or if it's 30 billion, but it's a big number and we're trying to invest ahead of it.


不像你想的那么频繁。我们发现,在许多情况下,我们最终会成为这些项目的技术顾问——有趣的是,根据行业情况,我们更多地与CTO合作,而不是CIO。但它通常是由企业主导的,因为它是在解决问题。我们处于准衰退状态已经有一段时间了,人们已经降低了所有明显的成本。现在您需要对业务流程进行改革,以释放下一个层次的价值。不仅如此,它还打开了新的市场。我将给你一个UBI的例子,基于使用的保险。你可以从传统的人口统计图表转变为实际的使用图表。如果你想想我们的保险合作伙伴的高价值投保客户池,它是一个有限的数字。这是一场真正的争夺。 But this ability to do real-time analytics against that, and to be able to have a scalable and dynamically adjustable rate schedule that is a perfect correlation of risk to cost, it's pretty interesting for these guys. The value that can create for them on the bottom line is pretty meaningful. I mentioned condition-based maintenance. Again, predictive analytics applied to just-in-time delivery of parts and maintenance. The value from in-service uptime, the value from extending the serviceable life of the subcomponents in heavy machinery, these are a big deal. I think we're just getting going here. But it is the business that's driving it.




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123.4 第4页