我们尝试。我们当然希望看到至少三分之一的球员。它尚未确定是否会发生。我们积极支持微软和(黑莓),因为这些是接下来的两个明显的家伙。还有一些其他的云在地平线上,可能会或可能不会发生,一些不同的东西,一些oem厂商要做的,但时间是艰难的。下一个iOS——也就是后突破。Android——有一个清晰和明显的路径进入市场。我们帮助他们,因为我们没有把苹果产品。所以对我来说,作为一种能够有效竞争在智能手机领域,我需要它。(黑莓)有这个机会。 They were under the tent already. We were their largest seller in the world. I think [BlackBerry's] new OS is very good. I have a very large, really loyal base in the enterprise business, government, financial service, anywhere where data encryption and data security is important.
你是对的。如果你仔细想想,微软或(黑莓),应该有一个自然的路径。但问题是惯性问题太多让他们克服。这身体绝对是运动。Android是艰难的。在谷歌的人会说这不是支离破碎的,但如果你看看它从企业的角度来看,它是具有挑战性的。一个命题,是it专业人员难以得到满意。iOS更整体,但他们把他们自己的问题。无论是谷歌还是苹果是令人难以置信的专注于企业市场。让门开着。 I think [BlackBerry] is certainly able to exploit that if they can, and will. We're very much behind the first device they're going to ship this summer. I think the qwerty keyboard, the physical keyboard device, is pretty important for them.
我们首先关注的市场,是大型企业和公共部门。这是两个非常重要的部分。我们理解大部分的市场是非常重要的。我们知道需要的弹性,可伸缩性、一致的交付质量。有许多大公司创新的云空间,但我们看到的是市场真正发达的中小企业。最后我们看到约有70以上的市场份额,建立空间,主要在北美,在北美非常深。此外,[有]买家看起来像中等企业,但实际上是一个非常大的企业。这就是你看到的是什么被称为影子。但它只是一个业务。,“我需要做点什么,快。 I can't take the 12 months it's going to take me if I go through standard process of spinning up the server. I'm just going to go and do this." We look at Amazon as the guys that shot out ahead in this space. They've done some very good things in terms of building out their ecosystem, their tools. Their on-boarding model is a very frictionless approach and it has provided them great success. They've illustrated to the marketplace a new paradigm, which I think is very important. We've taken all of this into deep consideration, and I would tell you that as we look back, we've made some pretty interesting acquisitions over the last couple of years. But one that really kind of flew below the radar was our acquisition of a small company called CloudSwitch. The core kernel of their IP for us was very, very important and is an essential element in the foundation of our next-generation cloud platform. We look at some of the virtues of the Amazon model and ask: "How do you create a very simple, frictionless environment to enable very fast spin-up of servers, very fast instances of an application, up and down really quickly?" That has a lot of implications to it. And as we take you more deeply through precisely what we're doing here, here's what I would tell you. How do you gain the value of low friction, fast, very cost-effective cloud computing, with resiliency, scalability, enterprise-grade, enterprise orientation to the service and support model? Imagine if you could cover all of that ground. What would that look like? How important would that be to the marketplace? We believe we are very meaningfully down that path. We have done it by flipping the model 180 degrees. And that's my tease for you. That's how I'll keep you coming back. [Stratton is referring to upcoming cloud announcements that he declined to detail.] But this is for us very important. We look at serving the enterprise client, look at where the workloads are that they haven't moved yet. When we talk about 70% of cloud being generated in the small to mids, it is still so early in the game and there is still so much in front of us in terms of these sort of wholesale movement of work here. It starts with the obvious sort of test-dev stuff, the stuff that kind of peaks and then goes off peak, the utility computing stuff ...
是的,当然。你知道,并不是每一个企业应用程序是一个完美的候选人云。这是好的。但是很多。当你考虑的扩展价值主张其他企业主的它使他们的劳动力,为他们的工作流程,所有这些下游工序的机会,这些必须的激励。但是我们必须做的是消除障碍。现在和障碍是相当高的。我们首先看它和我自己的生意。我的首席信息官是密切合作与我的云团队合作将成千上万的虚拟机移动到我们的环境。我们自己,如果你愿意,一点,我们去这里,了解具体的痛点和仔细确保我们解决他们。 But yes, we believe that as you remove those barriers you will begin to see much more [movement into cloud].
计费、管理、安全、访问所有的人需要的东西不管这云提供商他们处理。有一个机会创造一个生态系统,说:“我不在乎哪一个SaaS提供商和你一起工作,但是你可以通过我与他们合作。小,大,我可以将账单,我可以做各种各样的事情。”Is that an opportunity?
是的,它是。我会在一个不同的方式,但它会导致相同的结果。每个业务单位需要携带自己的体重,自己需要的,需要在一个开放的运营和竞争环境。我记得大约六个月后我来到这个角色,分析师以某种形式表示:“Terremark怎么样?现在必须为这些家伙是艰难的,你需要为了使用Verizon网络科罗拉多州和云能力。”I said: "Whoa, quite the opposite." We have a network-agnostic position inside of our Terremark business and we actually went out to our Verizon previously-owned-and-operated data centers and introduced that agnostic approach because the centers have to stand on their own. Specifically, the cloud must stand on its own. The Hughes business that we acquired last year from a machine-to-machine perspective, another pretty good area, it's network-agnostic. Why? It's a global business. I don't have wireless networks outside the United States. Not to mention that several of our clients there use competing networks today. And that's perfectly fine.
当你想到我现在刚刚描述的,如果每一个需要成长,建立和扩大他们的影响在他们各自的领域,它允许我将在某种程度上。如果我创建计费引擎和引擎,可以使用任何付款,现在您可以使用它们的组合。我喜欢的方式去思考这是我的照片我们的平台,它变得越来越有趣。就像一系列的砖块和它开始在网络层和其作品到IaaS层,PaaS层,SaaS层。你看到所有和经营,战略,战略,合作伙伴,获得在这里,这里发展,所有这些基础设施。从商业发展的角度来看,我应该感到非常满意,这个平台的用户范围。它始于一个人可能仅仅使用一块我的网络提供一个解决方案。我甚至不知道他这样做。它向一个人可能是我的基础设施,使用两个或三个元素的人我可能会做账单代表,一直到伴侣的SaaS解决方案,开发了一种特定行业是我的主要解决方案在一个特定的空间完全嵌入到我的基础设施和我实际上代表,到所有和经营,这就是我。网络舰队,我商业远程信息处理业务,这是我的申请,我的数据分析,我的平台,我的网络——显然,最大值捕获。 I want to make sure that as we go from largest to smallest that we have created a very easy, open, simple, frictionless environment in which companies can interact with us, companies can enable their solutions, they can bring them to market. I will find a model economically that allows me to capture my investments, but that to me is sort of the secret sauce, if we can pull that off. That's what we're building toward.
互联网的东西。通用电气首席执行长伊梅尔特(Jeffrey Immelt)表示,它将为我们的GDP增加数万亿美元的价值。业务今天是Verizon企业多大,你看到吗?
今天测量的数以百万计的连接。我认为有一个范围的观点而言,是多么大的这十年的结束。我听说从低至100亿到300亿台机器连接到互联网。这是另一个领域,我们正试图摆脱之前——因此,休斯的收购。和一些其他的东西,比如nPhase,这是一个很小的风险与高通,去年我们买下了。但如果你考虑到物联网,对我们来说是很自然的——IP网络,无线网络,管理平台,控制端点和所有的监控、管理控制的东西。此外,云存储。我们一直在做的相当复杂的机器对机器的实现公司在各种各样的领域,重型机械、制造业、金融服务、保险很重要,自动售货,供应链、智能电网能量管理,很多的东西。我们做了一个非常重要的智能电网实现区域公用事业公司现淹没在海量的信息,所以它实际上是增加了成本。它看起来像一个问题,但在与业务的首席执行官,这是:你如何转换成一个机会? What do you want to do with that data -- not only to manage and run your business, but what other value does that data have?