RSA 2016

RSA: Geolocation shows just how dead privacy is

Where you are says a lot about what you do, what you think, what you believe and how you live. And data about all of that is being collected from our mobile devices

Geolocation shows just how dead privacy is


David Adler’s talk at RSA Tuesday, titled “Where you are is who you are: Legal trends in geolocation privacy and security,” was about one of the major reasons it is so, so dead.

To paraphrase Adler, founder of the Adler Law Group, it is not so much that in today’s connected world there is a single, malevolent Big Brother watching you. It’s that there are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of “little brothers” eagerly watching you so they can sell you stuff more effectively. Collectively, they add up to an increasingly omniscient big brother.

他说:“一切都在收集位置数据 - 您使用的应用程序,移动设备和平台。”“通常在没有您的知识或同意的情况下进行。

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“And at same time, privacy advocates have ID’d geolocation as particularly sensitive information.”



He cited a皮尤研究中心研究on how people use their cell phones, which found that 40 percent used it for government services, 43 percent to research job information, 18 percent to submit job applications, 44 percent to look for real estate, 62 percent to research health conditions and 57 percent for online banking.



“That is only one of several ways location data is gathered,” he said. “I was shocked at technology behind it. It is collected by the cell tower that your device talks to. Wi-Fi hotspots not only share the location, but time stamp it. Your phone logs all of it – your keyboard cache, SIM card serial number, your number, your email address. All of this can be gathered by apps, and they don’t have to ask your permission.”

There is a growing awareness of these risks not just from privacy advocates, but from at least some government agencies as well. Adler quoted the Federal Trade Commission’s Director of the Consumer Protection Division Jessica Rich, who said two years ago that “Geolocation information divulges intimately personal details of an individual.”

他还指出了2015年消费者隐私权法案法, along with other legislation pending.

But it is unlikely that things will change soon in any major way. The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)called the consumer privacy bill“an incredibly important first step,” but also said it contains, “too many loopholes, and enforcement is lacking.”

Adler said that is in part because the U.S. still, “has no uniform privacy laws, and enforcement is ad hoc.” He said a number of consumer complaints, “have fizzled in the courts, because they depend on very specific harm to individuals.”


“Regulators are taking a more in-depth look at this kind of information. It is trending and important,” he said.

这个故事,“ RSA:地理位置展示了最初发表的死亡隐私”。CSO .

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