足球竞猜app软件网络世界克林特·博尔顿 //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 周三,2020年11月4日20时22分07秒-0800 周三,2020年11月4日20时22分07秒-0800 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 COVID-19危机加速了虚拟呼叫中心的崛起 星期二,2020年6月9日03:00:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 呼叫中心的运营越来越远,但是大流行加速了WFH CX支持的趋势,T-Mobile和美国运通的IT领导者证明了这一点。(内幕故事)https://www.cio.com/article/3561588/covid-19-crisis-accelerates-rise-of-virtual-call-centers.html IDG内幕 物流企业如何利用SD-WAN的竞争优势 2017年5月12日星期五12:43:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

A gamble on a relatively unknown technology four years ago is paying off for a logistics company, which is using the software to shave millions of dollars off its bandwidth connectivity costs. Today freight forwarding company JAS Global is leveraging a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) to run cloud applications, according to JAS CIO Mark Baker. Eventually, Baker hopes to use the SD-WAN as the backbone of a predictive analytics strategy to grow the business.

SD-WANs allow companies to set up and manage networking functionality, including VPNs, WAN optimization, VoIP and firewalls, using software to program traffic routing typically conducted by routers and switches. Just as virtualization software disrupted the server market, SD-WANs are shaking the networking equipment market.

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为什么数字中断留下任何余地双峰IT 星期四,2017年9点58分零零秒-0700 5月11日 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

话说双峰IT是死可能过早一点点。但随着数字中断继续扫过部门 - 通过企业带动如Amazon.com,尤伯杯和制作的Airbnb - 双速时开始的外观和感觉过时。一些首席信息官和顾问认为,在时间的运营模式阻碍创新时,企业必须加快数字计划

Gartner公司在2014年推出,双峰IT拆分技术部门分成两组:一个稳定的模式(模式1)其中,技术中的大部分精心培养和精制和拥护实验,自由思考和敏捷性的第二模式(模式2)。分叉IT成单独的轨道做了几年前,当许多CIO工作插上人才,流程和技术的差距感,Forrester Research分析师马修·瓜里尼告诉CIO.com。 <一个HREF =“/条/ 3196285 /为什么 - 数字中断树叶,小无余地双峰it.html#跳”>要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3196285/why-digital-disruption-leaves-little-no-room-for-bimodal-it.html 人类是(仍然)中最薄弱的环节网络安全 星期三,2017年4月19日十三时10分00秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

人类留在企业数据保护的薄弱环节,但你可能会惊讶的帽子它不仅是员工通过欺骗谁带来风险网络钓鱼诈骗级和文件级。一些公司哄骗到由供应商网络安全的错觉。You read that right:Some enterprises believe the shiny new technologies they've acquired will protect them from anything.

Just ask Theodore Kobus, leader of BakerHostetler’s Privacy and Data Protection team.

ted kobus BakerHostetler

Theodore Kobus, BakerHostetler’s Privacy and Data Protection team.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3191129/humans-are-still-the-weakest-cybersecurity-link.html 背后有什么VMware的波前收购? 2017年4月18日星期二09:06:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

VMware’s acquisition of monitoring software maker Wavefront for an undisclosed sum is a move core to VMware's strategy to round out its portfolio for facilitating and managing hybrid cloud environments. It highlights in the need to ensure that applications running between private and public clouds perform up to par.

Companies undertaking digital transformations are leaning heavily on hybrid clouds to deploy software, a scenario playing out across nearly every industry. To enable this at a high velocity, companies are instituting DevOps, in which code is constantly written, shipped, run and regularly refined. In DevOps environments, corporate developers code application functionality, called microservices, which they ship via virtual containers to run between private cloud environments and public cloud systems such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

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大学考察云电话服务 周五,2017年4月7日10:21:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

乔治敦大学正在测试云电话服务旨在取代其25岁的系统,这将花费数百万美元来代替。此举,更广泛的电信基础设施改革的一部分,推进民办高校的计划迁移到消费者友好的云计算和移动软件CIO贾德·尼科尔森说。 <人物类=“中等‘> “乔治敦大学CIO贾德·尼科尔森”。宽度= <小类= “信用”>乔治敦大学

<强>乔治敦大学CIO贾德尼克尔森。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3188299/university-examines-cloud-phone-service.html 一家货运公司是如何加快移动应用程序开发的 星期四,2017年4月6日10:00:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Employees want access to business applications from mobile devices, which is a conundrum for CIOs: Do they adapt legacy software designed to run on desktops and laptops to run on smartphones and tablets or buy a platform that enables such portability with minimal coding? Trucking conglomerate Paccar chose the latter option to help deliver mobile applications across the company’s DAF, Peterbilt, Leyland and Kenworth business units, says CIO Lily Ley.

lily ley Paccar

Paccar's CIO Lily Ley.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3188146/how-a-trucking-company-sped-up-mobile-app-development.html IT领导者分享他们是如何平息网络安全攻击 2017年4月4日星期二13:12 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Ask CIOs and CISOs what cybersecurity fears keep them up at night and you’ll hear a range of responses -- from social engineering hacks such as phishing, as well as malware that enables perpetrators to hijack users' websites -- the dreaded ransomware -- and denial-of-service attacks. Depending on their business you might hear them say "all of the above."

These threats are driving increased spending on cybersecurity tools intended to protect corporate data from nation-state actors, lone wolf attackers and other malcontents who are seeking access to corporate data. IT leaders know that it takes only one well-placed exploit to infiltrate a corporate network, but they also acknowledge that the best approach is to shrink their attack surface and be ready to respond to an incident in the event of an attack.

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前首席信息官染上了AI和RPA热 周五,2017年3月31日10点56分○○秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Companies are exploring ways to automate manual business operations but few have the institutional knowledge to do so. Jeff Donaldson, however, does. Donaldson, who spent 16 years building IT systems for video game retailer GameStop, is building a methodology that combines robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI) and design thinking to help companies automate manual and routine tasks such as data processing and workforce optimization.

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人工智能、机器学习在农业和病虫害防治中蓬勃发展 星期三,2017年3月22日十三时28分00秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


种子零售商,例如,在使用AI产品通过TB的流失精确农业数据创造最好的玉米作物,而灭虫公司使用的是基于人工智能图像识别技术来识别和治疗各种类型的错误和害虫。这种明显不同的场景强调如何AI已经从科幻小说发展到实用的解决方案,有可能帮助公司获得一条腿的竞争。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3183992/ai-machine-learning-blossom-in-agriculture-and-pest-control.html 为什么您的云策略应该包括多个供应商 星期二,2017年3月21日10:57:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

几十年来,企业计算环境已经由服务器,存储和由不同的供应商开发的联网设备。这些选择往往铰接在最好的产品给力的应用程序和数据 - 以及扔进企业协议诱人的批量折扣。A similar scenario is playing out in cloud computing infrastructure, where CIOs are grappling with how to best architect systems for multi-vendor, hybrid cloud strategies.

A telling exchange on cloud vendors occurred during the Wall Street Journal’s CIO Network event last month when an audience member shared his perspective on the challenges of choosing between different cloud vendors with Adrian Cockcroft, vice president of cloud architecture strategy for Amazon Web Services (AWS), who was speaking on stage.

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为什么伟大的首席数据官都很难找到 2017年3月17日星期五09:42:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Chief data officers (CDOs) are among the most highly sought-after executives among corporations for whom data analytics has become a cornerstone of digital strategies. But the rush to promote data-crunching experts to the CDO role has created a new challenge: Finding a leader who can use data to help drive a business transformation.

Companies eager to establish data analytics have promoted managers to the CDO role based on their technical wizardry rather than their leadership capabilities, says Joshua Clarke, partner for executive recruiter Heidrick & Struggles, who highlighted the problem in "Choosing the right chief data officer," a new report detailing the rapid evolution of the CDO role.

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谷歌使AI天赋与Kaggle buy一起玩 星期四,2017年3月16日5时56分00秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

If you're a company entrenched in an arms race for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, you could do worse than tapping into a pool of thousands of data scientists to augment your digital products and services.

That's the pole position Google holds after acquiring crowdsourcing platform Kaggle last week for an undisclosed sum. Some 600,000 professional data crunchers use Kaggle to build prediction models for such heady challenges as cancer detection and heart disease diagnoses. And experts say Kaggle could help Google facilitate broader adoption of AI technologies.

"Data science and machine learning is now global and this is a validation of the idea that Google recognizes that most of the smartest people in the world work for somebody else," Neil Jacobstein, who chairs the artificial intelligence and robotics track at Singularity University, told CIO.com. "This is potentially a very positive move, I think, that could make everybody more competitive."

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为什么通用电气赢得了高技术人才争夺战 星期一,2017年3月13日五时51分00秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Hiring enough tech talent to facilitate digital transformations typically tops the list of challenges CIOs face. They could do worse than follow the blueprint crafted by 125-year-old General Electric.

The company has lured top tech executives from Apple, Google and Microsoft by underscoring the huge role GE plans to play in the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era defined more by software platforms and APIs than heavy metal. It has also overhauled a talent recruitment practice that was more suited for the industrial giant of yore by bringing in technical recruiters who offer the kind compensation packages pitched by Silicon Valley titans.

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三思聘请首席AI官员面前 星期二,2017年3月7日4点17分00秒-0800 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

旧金山 - 安德鲁·吴说,人工智能(AI)会变成这样有助企业收入增长,企业应该聘请一位首席人工情报官员把矛头指向AI的举措谁在中国导致全球AI策略,搜索巨头百度。没有这么快,尼尔Jacobstein,在奇点大学人工智能与机器人的椅子,谁不是企业集中领导AI功能的粉丝说。

这两个在发生冲突就在这里的话题,上周华尔街日报的CIO网络,其中Ng和Jacobstein面板上的讲话。尽管他们不同意对组织方法AI,Ng和Jacobstein均表示,该技术是一种潜在的改变游戏规则的方式利用海量信息公司的收集。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3177354/think-twice-before-you-hire-a-chief-ai-officer.html