足球竞猜app软件网络世界越来越接近边缘在2019年 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 星期三,2020年4月22日17时09分01秒-0700 星期三,2020年4月22日17时09分01秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 BrandPost:测量边缘:与边缘部署查找成功 2019年4月30日星期二10:35:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Edge computing deployments are well underway as companies seek to better process the wealth of data being generated, for example, by Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

So, what are the results? Plus, how can you ensure success with your own edge projects?

Measurements of success

The use cases for edge computing deployments vary widely, as do the business drivers and, ultimately, the benefits.

Whether they’re seeking improved network or application performance, real-time data analytics, a better customer experience, or other efficiencies, enterprises are accomplishing their goals. Based on two surveys — one by Automation World and another by Futurum Research — respondents have reported:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3391570/measuring-the-edge-finding-success-with-edge-deployments.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:边缘计算是多数行业的未来 2019年4月23日星期二08:21:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

The growth of edge computing is about to take a huge leap. Right now, companies are generating about 10% of their data outside a traditional data center or cloud. But within the next six years, that will increase to 75%, according to Gartner.

That’s largely down to the need to process data emanating from devices, such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. Early adopters include:

  • Manufacturers: Devices and sensors seem endemic to this industry, so it’s no surprise to see the need to find faster processing methods for the data produced. A recent Automation World survey found that 43% of manufacturers have deployed edge projects. Most popular use cases have included production/manufacturing data analysis and equipment data analytics.

  • Retailers: Like most industries deeply affected by the need to digitize operations, retailers are being forced to innovate their customer experiences. To that end, these organizations are “investing aggressively in compute power located closer to the buyer,” writes Dave Johnson, executive vice president of the IT division at Schneider Electric. He cites examples such as augmented-reality mirrors in fitting rooms that offer different clothing options without the consumer having to try on the items, and beacon-based heat maps that show in-store traffic.
  • Healthcare organizations: As healthcare costs continue to escalate, this industry is ripe for innovation that improves productivity and cost efficiencies. Management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. has identified at least 11 healthcare use cases that benefit patients, the facility, or both. Two examples: tracking mobile medical devices for nursing efficiency as well as optimization of equipment, and wearable devices that track user exercise and offer wellness advice.

While these are strong use cases, as the edge computing market grows, so too will the number of industries adopting it.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3391016/edge-computing-is-in-most-industries-future.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
消除edge和cloud之间的混淆 星期三,2019年4月17日10点十五分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <文章> <节类=“页”>


实际上, Futurum研究发现,已经部署了边缘项目的公司中,只有15%打算分开他们的云计算计划这些努力 - 主要是出于安全或条块分割的原因

So then, what’s the difference, and how do edge and cloud work together?

Location, location, location

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3389364/clearing-up-confusion-between-edge-and-cloud.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:聚合基础设施中的服务器机架如何加快边缘计算部署 2019年4月12日星期五08:22:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

According to research firm MarketsandMarkets™, from 2017 through to 2022, edge computing will experience a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 35.4% (from $1.47 Billion US to $6.72 Billion US). Those in the business of distributing, configuring and selling IT solutions recognize that traditional IT offerings will need to be modified in order to accommodate these new edge computing environments.

A number of factors influence the adaptation of edge computing in what are primarily remote locations. These include fast delivery and ease of installation, operation and management of that hardware equipment such as server racks and software. These systems also need to perform in such a way as to address latency, bandwidth cost and data location issues.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3389137/how-the-server-rack-in-your-converged-infrastructure-can-speed-up-your-edge-computing-deployment.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:增强了边缘的安全性 2019年4月9日星期二10:50:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

It’s becoming a cliché to say that data security is a top concern among executives and boards of directors. The problem is: the problem just won’t go away.

Hackers and attackers are ever finding new ways to exploit weaknesses. Just as companies start to use emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to protect their organizations in an automated fashion, so too are bad actors using these tools to further their goals.

In a nutshell, security simply cannot be overlooked. And now, as companies increasingly adopt edge computing, there are new considerations to securing these environments.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3388130/enhanced-security-at-the-edge.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:边缘计算是满足数字转型需求的关键——而合作伙伴关系可以帮助实现这些需求 2019年4月4日星期四10:27:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Organizations in virtually every vertical industry are undergoing a digital transformation in an attempt to take advantage of edge computing technology to make their businesses more efficient, innovative and profitable. In the process, they’re coming face to face with challenges ranging from time to market to reliability of IT infrastructure.

It’s a complex problem, especially when you consider the scope of what digital transformation entails. “Digital transformation is not simply a list of IT projects, it involves completely rethinking how an organization uses technology to pursue new revenue streams, products, services, and business models,” as the research firm IDC says.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3387140/edge-computing-is-key-to-meeting-digital-transformation-demands-and-partnerships-can-help-deliver-t.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:在边缘实现弹性的3个要素 星期二,2019年4月2日10:23:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

“The IT industry has done a good job of making robust data centers that are highly manageable, highly secure, with redundant systems,” says Kevin Brown, SVP Innovation and CTO for Schneider Electric’s Secure Power Division.

However, he continues, companies then connect these data centers to messy edge closets and server rooms, which over time have become “micro mission-critical data centers” in their own right — making system availability vital. If not designed and managed correctly, the situation can be disastrous if users cannot connect to business-critical applications.  

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3386438/3-essentials-for-achieving-resiliency-at-the-edge.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:机器人在零售是真实...等是边缘计算 星期四,2019年3月28日10:42:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

I’ve seen plenty of articles touting the promise of edge computing technologies like AI and robotics in retail brick & mortar, but it wasn’t until this past weekend that I had my first encounter with an actual robot in a retail store. I was doing my usual weekly grocery shopping at my local Stop & Shop, and who comes strolling down the aisle, but…. Marty… the autonomous robot. He was friendly looking with his big googly eyes and was wearing a sign that explained he was there for safety, and that he was monitoring the aisles to report spills, debris, and other hazards to employees to improve my shopping experience. He caught the attention of most of the shoppers.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3385046/robots-in-retail-are-real-and-so-is-edge-computing.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 2020欧洲杯预赛
今天的零售商正转向CX的边缘 2019年3月26日星期二08:18:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Despite the increasing popularity and convenience of ecommerce, 92% of purchases continue to be made off-line, according to the U.S. Census. That’s putting enormous pressure on retailers to meet new consumer expectations around real-time access to merchandise and order information. In fact, 85.3% of shoppers expect retailers to provide associates with handheld or fixed devices to check inventory and price within a store, a nearly 51% increase over 2017, according to a survey from SOTI.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3384202/today-s-retailer-is-turning-to-the-edge-for-cx.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 IT领袖
BrandPost: IT解决方案提供商可以解决的4大边缘计算挑战 2019年3月25日星期一12:15:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

The global edge computing market size is projected to reach $3.24 billion US by 2025 (according to a study conducted by Grand View Research, Inc.). While this research underscores the speed and volume at which edge computing installations are growing, it masks the idea that many organizations still consider themselves in the early adoption phases of this technology. Before companies plan the move to widespread rollouts, they are seeking answers to significant deployment questions.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3373849/top-4-edge-computing-challenges-that-it-solution-providers-can-solve.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网
BrandPost:部署高度安全,易于部署和高性价比的微型数据中心2020欧洲杯预赛 星期二,2019年3月19日9时50分零零秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Industry trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and content distribution networks (CDNs) are driving the need for edge computing. That’s because these solutions often require low latency, high bandwidth, greater reliability, and strong security.

It’s a tall order meant for Micro Data Centers (MDCs) to fulfill. An MDC is a self-contained data center architecture that offers complete IT infrastructure within a stand-alone, secure enclosure.

MDCs offer a number of key advantages beyond today’s server rooms and traditional data centers. First, because they’re distributed closer to bandwidth-intensive content, MDCs can significantly reduce latency and lower costs. Secondly, it’s easy and cost-effective to add data center capacity to them anywhere and anytime it is needed – in both IT room and non-climate-controlled environments. And because MDC IT equipment is pre-installed before shipment in a self-contained and secure enclosure, it can provide physical security and protection of critical business applications.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3373839/deploying-highly-secure-easy-to-deploy-and-cost-effective-micro-data-centers.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网
BrandPost:微数据中心不断2020欧洲杯预赛发展,以适应边缘计算的新业务需求 2019年3月14日星期四06:49:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Recent breakthroughs in technology have expanded the possibilities for where data is gathered, processed, stored and analyzed. IT staffs and their business counterparts now have the flexibility of deciding whether their applications are more efficient residing in the cloud, within a traditional data center, or on the network edge. In fact, for the first time, the nature of the applications themselves is determining where they best should run. Over the last several months, micro data centers have emerged as a technology of choice for helping to manage the growing computing needs across edge environments.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3365178/micro-data-centers-evolve-to-fit-new-business-requirements-of-edge-computing.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:简化操作:管理边缘数据中心2020欧洲杯预赛 2019年3月12日星期二08:31 00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

IT professionals have been honing their data center management expertise for decades. However, migrating these best practices to an edge computing environment can be challenging.

That’s because many workers located in edge environments, such as retail store clerks, lack the necessary data center expertise to ensure edge sites are properly maintained. Complicating matters is the fact that edge data centers can be expensive and complex to run.

Clearly, organizations need a new way forward. Fortunately, cloud-based platforms are designed for the edge, and can simplify remote monitoring and management. Here’s what every business should look for in a solution:

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3359191/simplifying-operations-managing-edge-data-centers.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛
边缘计算站点的弹性是对整个IT环境的弹性 2019年3月7日星期四12:57:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

作为边缘计算部署下碍事,组织需要让自己的边缘计算网站弹性。As the saying goes, “you’re only as good as your weakest link,” so if edge computing locations are allowed to be the weakest link in a multi-location environment, the entire network surely will suffer.

You can’t have a truly resilient IT deployment without resilience at these edge computing sites. So organizations have to harden these sites with best-in-class technology as they do at centralized and regional data centers. Organizations need redundancy, security and management controls designed to prevent downtime.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3356439/resilience-at-edge-computing-sites-is-resilience-for-the-whole-it-environment.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost: 4个小贴士,让你更轻松地部署Edge 2019年3月5日星期二13:09:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

There are plenty of reasons for organizations to embrace edge computing. By moving applications, data, and computing services to the edge of a network, as opposed to a large data center or cloud, organizations can lower operating costs, improve application performance, reduce network traffic, and achieve real-time data analytics.

As more organizations come to know the advantages of edge of network devices, many are eyeing deployments. In fact, according to the IDG 2018 State of the Network, 56% of networking professionals have plans for edge computing in their organizations.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3346087/4-tips-for-easier-edge-deployments.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛
为什么数据中心的管理职责必须包2020欧洲杯预赛括Edge数据中心 星期四,2019年2月28日八点19分00秒-0800 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


企业数据中心很早就提2020欧洲杯预赛供用于生长的坚实基础。 They enable businesses to respond more quickly to market demands. However, this agility is heavily dependent on the reliability and manageability of the data center.  As data center operational complexity increases, maintaining uptime while minimizing costs becomes a bigger challenge.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3345961/why-data-center-management-responsibilities-must-include-edge-data-centers.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 云计算 物联网 2020欧洲杯预赛
BrandPost:如何前沿计算将带来业务提升到一个新的水平 星期二,2019年2月26日六点32分00秒-0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

What do embedded sensors, ecommerce sites, social media platforms, and streaming services have in common? They all produce vast volumes of data, much of which travels across the internet. In fact, Cisco estimates global IP traffic will grow to 3.3 zettabytes annually by 2021 – up three times compared to internet traffic in 2017.

For many businesses, these data packets represent treasure troves of actionable information, from customers’ buying preferences to new market trends. But as the volume and velocity of data increases, so too does the inefficiency of transmitting all this information to a cloud or data center for processing.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3342455/how-edge-computing-will-bring-business-to-the-next-level.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网
BrandPost:边缘计算:让服务器机房关键任务 2019年2月21日星期四06:33:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Spending on Internet of Things (IoT) will reach $1.3 trillion by 2020, and the processing of 43 percent of this data will be at the edge, according to IDC projections. The number of “connected things” will reach 30 billion in 2020 and jump to 80 billion in the following 25 years, the research firm predicts. This market demand is driving the need for new solutions like edge computing.

Pendulum Swings

Historically, the primary point of IT has swung between the focus on a centralized model and a decentralized one. It started with centralized mainframe computing, then moved to decentralized client-server networks, and then back again to a centralized model in the cloud. Now, the time for the pendulum to swing back to a decentralized model has come in the form of ‘local edge computing.’

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3340829/edge-computing-making-the-server-room-mission-critical.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网
BrandPost: Edge Computing旨在开启物联网应用的强大功能 2019年2月15日星期五13:21:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

Gartner defines edge computing as “solutions that facilitate data processing at or near the source of data generation,” a nice, succinct explanation of this booming technology. If you don’t need it already, you most likely will soon as it’s a key enabler of cloud-based applications, including Internet of Things (IoT) applications and others supporting the digital transformation of business.

“Organizations that have embarked on a digital business journey have realized that a more decentralized approach is required to address digital business infrastructure requirements,” says Santhosh Rao, principal research analyst at Gartner. “As the volume and velocity of data increases, so too does the inefficiency of streaming all this information to a cloud or data center for processing.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3340828/edge-computing-is-here-to-unlock-the-power-of-your-iot-applications.html#tk.rss_getclosertotheedgein2019 物联网