足球竞猜app软件网络世界's Forecast 2019

10 predictions for the data center and the cloud in 2019

What will 2019 hold for data centers and the cloud, both public and private? Here are our educated guesses.

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1. Edge computing matures but needs a business model

这并不难以弄清楚。每个人都喜欢边缘计算的想法。2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心运算符将其视为能够在中央服务器上减轻负载的机会,并且企业将其视为有机会拥有Sub-10毫秒的响应时间。蒸气IO和Schneider Electric等供应商以不同的模型出现在基站,5G开始其国家卷展栏。

问题是谁为此付出代价。仍然没有得到解决。它会落到蜂窝供应商,还是将落到想要连通汽车的汽车制造商?该行业在梦寐以求的技术和思考商业模式的历史记录后期,而Edge Computing是一个昂贵的想法,用于搜索所有者。需要在2019年进行排序。

2. Water cooling expands


3. More AI to cover for human error

2020欧洲杯预赛数据中心有数千和数千个运动部件:各个服务器,冷却系统,电力系统和网络连接全部。到目前为止,已经手动配置并曾经到位,单独留下。但是有一类新的人工智能(AI),如启动所示Concertio, that puts AI in charge of optimizing the equipment through continuous monitoring and adjustment. I’ve seen other instances where AI was used as a constant, tireless monitor to adjust systems. I figure we will see more efforts going forward.


数据中心2020欧洲杯预赛不会染色, OK? Let’s get that straight. There are more compute demands than ever, especially with the advent of AI, and the cloud has proven to have its expensive downsides. What it means, though, is the data center is being repurposed. Some workloads are going to public cloud providers, while others are being assigned to the data center. This includes anything with massive data sets, such as BI, analytics, and AI/ML, because moving it to the cloud is expensive. The data center is changing, becoming more versatile and more powerful.



6. Microservices and serverless computing take off

Virtualization is nice, but it’s resource-heavy. It requires a full instance of the operating system, and that can limit the number of VMs on a server, even with a lot of memory. The solution is containers/microservices and on the extreme, serverless computing. A container is as small as 10MB in size vs. a few GB of memory for a full virtual machine, and serverless, where you run a single function app, is even smaller.

As apps go from monolithic to smaller, modular pieces, containers and serverless will become more appealing, both in the cloud and on premises. Key to the success of containers and serverless is that the technologies were created with the cloud and on-premises systems in mind and easy migration between the two, which will help their appeal.

7. AWS和Google专注于混合云

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google entered the cloud market with no legacy and a sales pitch of a pure cloud play. Microsoft and IBM, on the other hand, had a huge legacy software installed base and pitched hybrid cloud, striking a balance between cloud and on-premises systems. It enabled Microsoft to rocket to the number two position in the cloud market very quickly and has given IBM a considerable boost, as well. And now AWS and Google are wising up. AWS has introduced a raft of new本地产品虽然谷歌也在支撑其本地服务,并聘请了前甲骨文云首席托马斯卡里安,他在甲骨文中制作了一个混合音调,使他与拉里埃里森冲突。


裸金属means no software. You rent CPUs, memory capacity, and storage. After that, you provide your own software stack — all of it. So far, IBM has been the biggest proponent of bare-metal hosting followed by Oracle, and with good reason. Bare metal is ideal for what’s called “lift and shift,” where you take your compute environment from the data center to a cloud provider unchanged. Just put the OS, apps, and data in someone else’s data center.


9. It's a year of reckoning for Oracle

甲骨文真的需要今年做出一些艰难的决定 - 而且快速。它的云业务正在摇摇欲坠,并没有跟上四大(AWS,Microsoft,Google,IBM)。它的许可仍然太复杂。它试图抓住一个大规模的国防部项目从AWS和丢失,因为它没有AWS。它对其硬件业务有所安静,现在它失去了云业务领袖。Oracle没有像微软那样优雅地将云的飞跃变得更加优雅,但如果它会这样做,它现在必须是。


Microsoft不是唯一看桌面的供应商作为连接到云的手段;所有主要的云供应商都对虚拟桌面市场感兴趣。随着Windows 7在2020年1月到达生活结束,这意味着2019年将是一年的过渡。问题变成了,人们只是跳到Windows 10,从而弥补微软的持有,或者他们会拥抱AWS工作空间或Google Chromebook等事情吗?

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