足球竞猜app软件网络世界Dave Michels //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年7月22日星期三23:26:36 -0700 2020年7月22日星期三23:26:36 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 Arrow Electronics为物联网提供了声音,将设备与通信工具连接起来 周一,2017年10月2日10:08:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

Companies get into IoT for multiple reasons. In the case of Arrow, the Internet of Things (IoT) was thrust upon it. Now, however, Arrow Electronics is trailblazing into IoT platform services.

Last year, Arrow did nearly $24 billion in revenue that was largely split between two businesses: electronic components and enterprise computing solutions. Historically, these two divisions had little overlap, but IoT has bridged the two units.

+ Also on Network World: Forrester: 3 ways IoT can drive business value +

A similar story is occurring at organizations everywhere as IoT converts disconnected things into computing peripherals. For example, hospital refrigerators that store blood and medicine are increasingly integrated into intelligent building management and communications systems.

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物联网将影响医疗保健的质量和能力 星期一,2017年9月25日七点31分00秒-0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

Everything about the modern doctor’s office feels primitive. It’s one of the few businesses that requires I use my telephone for scheduling — unless it’s about lab results. For that, they prefer fax. Even the doctor’s tools, such as the blood pressure cuff, scale and stethoscope, are largely the same as the equipment used in my childhood.

I get that the industry needs to be cautious regarding change and that legal requirements further complicate matters, but changes are overdue. Because medical professionals are unlikely to adopt unproven tech, the evolution will most likely come from existing tech being used in other applications.

Let’s take a look at how things might change in healthcare technology:

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今天的财产规则在我们的物联网世界行不通 2017年9月12日星期二07:25:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

Property and ownership are among the most basic concepts of a modern society. Our ability to clarify who owns what separates us from savages because property and ownership help us maintain our independence and identity.

The rules of property and ownership have evolved over centuries. There are clear transfer procedures for all types of property, including real estate, cars and even books. The problem is these age-old concepts are not holding up in our connected and digital world.

owned Cambridge University Press

“Property ownership as we know it is under attack and fading fast,” writes Joshua Fairfield in his book Owned: Property, Privacy, and the New Digital Serfdom. “The Internet of Things and digital property ownership systems are being built on the old feudal model.”

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物联网让微软有机会在云计算领域占据领先地位 星期二,2017年9月5日03:00:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

Next month, Microsoft will hold its Ignite and Envision conferences in Orlando, Florida. Ignite is aimed at enterprise IT professionals, and Envision is aimed at IT decision makers. 

Combining Ignite and Envision in the same venue increases the overall enterprise IT audience, so expect several enterprise-related announcements. The action will be in the cloud, as Microsoft has become cloud obsessed. Last month’s quarterly results put Microsoft as the second largest cloud company behind Amazon Web Services (AWS) — and growing faster.

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Staples简易按钮得到物联网改造 星期一,2017年8月28日07:09:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

“这是容易的”是钉的标志性标语。国际零售商采用了该行自2003年以来,2005年的口号,采取了材料的形状和出现的广告为红色的“易”按钮。现在,订书钉被给予其 next-generation of the Easy Button a serious IoT makeover.

The button was meant as a metaphor to represent easy business transactions. But that didn’t stop people from wanting an actual button. Staples responded by producing Easy Buttons as a “stress relieving” novelty. Pushing the button causes it to say, “That was easy.”

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如何在酒店业将从中获利的IoT 星期二,2017年8月8日11点三十二分00秒-0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

Connecting the world changes everything. That’s what businesses and consumers are learning as they embrace the Internet of Things (IoT) for everything from household garage door openers to smart-city applications that solve traffic congestion and reduce crime.

But IoT is more significant than just adding connectivity to existing products or services. In fact, it is about changing the way products and services deliver value. In the process, products are becoming services, and services are becoming more intelligent.

+ Also on Network World: IoT devices or humans?

The hospitality industry is not immune to this evolution, and, in fact, it is well positioned to benefit from IoT. That’s because the industry is poised to improve the customer experience while simultaneously reducing costs.

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物联网在办公室:缤特力服务块恼人的噪音 星期三,2017年7月26日九时28分00秒-0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

物联网(IOT)是创造有趣的,新的商业机会。本周,缤特力宣布了一项新的噪声作为一种服务组合称为居Soundscaping 。The solution set is designed to counteract the productivity-killing side effects of open offices.

Habitat Soundscaping sounds a bit crazy, so let’s hear them out.

Plantronics has been around since the early 1960s when it launched lightweight aviation headsets. Its business opportunities expanded from pilots to include astronauts, call center agents, knowledge workers and mobile professionals. Headsets evolved from big clunky proprietary interfaces through 2.5 and 3.5 mm jacks to USB to Bluetooth.

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3种方式来跟踪人们使用基于位置的服务 2017年7月19日星期三08:57:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


We can also use these technologies to track people. Some solutions such as facial recognition can literally track people, but usually we just track a device someone might be carrying. We can now literally track the customer’s journey (through a retail store). 

There’s a popular misconception that global positioning satellites (GPS) are usable inside, but they range from worthless to unhelpful. GPS satellite signals require a direct line of sight to multiple satellites. 

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AI标题回槽 2017年7月11日星期二08:23:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

I like Gartner’s concept of the technology hype cycle. It assumes that expectations of new technologies quickly ramp to an inflated peak, drop into a trough of disillusionment, then gradually ascend a slope of enlightenment until they plateau. Of course, not all technologies complete the cycle or transition through the stages at the same pace.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has arguably been in the trough for 60 years. I am thinking of Kubrick’s HAL and Roddenberry’s “computer” that naturally interact with humans. That’s a long trough, and despite popular opinion, the end is nowhere in sight.

+ Also on Network World: Using artificial intelligence to teach computers to see +

There’s so much excitement and specialized research taking place that AI has fragmented into several camps such as heuristic programming for game-playing AI, natural language processing for conversational AI, and machine learning for statistical problems. The hype is building again, and just about every major tech company and countless startups are racing toward another inflated peak and subsequent trough.

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思科升级了一个物联网平台,并宣布推出另一个 2017年6月28日星期三06:59:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔 <本文> <节课= “页面”>

继思科上周其数字网络体系结构(DNA),它提供的intent-based networking solutions and services, this week’s Cisco Live event in Las Vegas was highly focused on networking. Only a few announcements were made, but the Internet of Things (IoT) made the cut.

Cisco’s approach to IoT has been difficult to grasp because it crosses so many divisions. Its largest IoT unit, Cisco Jasper, is exclusively focused on cellular-connected devices.

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物联网设备还是人? 2017年6月21日星期三13:26:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

A Swedish rail line can now collect fares by scanning its customers for embedded biometric chips. The primary benefit is the elimination of a physical ticket—plus it’s harder to lose. It sounds futuristic, but my dogs have been sporting embedded chips for over a decade.

If you think about it, physical tickets are kind of silly. They are a surrogate for the person. The practice of scanning a ticket instead of a person was likely established when there just weren’t many viable alternatives. Technology now offers a more direct approach.

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亚马逊将数据转换成砖块 2017年6月14日星期三10:07:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



由于Amazon.com的价格和选择的优势,公司已成为在本地零售牺牲一个零售巨头。 Store closures are about to hit a 20-year high, and malls are dying. This is unfortunate because retail centers provide more benefits than shopping. They are gathering places and contribute tax revenue for their municipalities.

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物联网的未来:当它的标题,会发生什么 2017年5月30日星期二08:39:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


我最近参加物联网世界中的美国加州圣克拉拉,并通过这种多样性击中。每次谈话我亲眼目睹了一个五分钟的前导/谈判只是商定一个共同的观点。It’s kind of like the three blind men and the elephant parable, but instead of three men, it’s 1,000 people touching a sculpture made of wet clay.

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为环法自行车赛增加了物联网的维度 2017年5月23日星期二07:15:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

The Tour de France pro cycling race is one of the oldest and most prestigious annual sporting events in the world. Each year about 200 cyclists compete during most of July in a race that crosses some 2,200 miles of varied terrain in France.

The first Tour de France was in 1903. Back then it attracted mostly local competitors and spectators. Coverage and prestige of the event expanded with each consecutive era of newspapers, radio, and television. However, we now live in the digital era. Fans don’t want to just watch a sport; they want to engage with it, and they expect more control and interaction.

Professional sports are increasingly embracing digital technology to enhance the fan experience. This includes data-enhanced viewing, live streaming, video on demand, second-screen apps, gamification, and social media interaction. This technology is becoming a critical component of sports marketing necessary to attract fans, athletes, sponsors, and broadcasters.

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智能建筑从意识开始 星期一,2017年5月8日04:04:00 -0700 戴夫·米歇尔 戴夫·米歇尔

I want to work in an energy-efficient smart building. It would have advanced energy systems that would ensure no watt gets wasted. It would have lighting, like my fridge, that would magically turn off when unneeded, and doors that would reliably swish open Star Trek-style when and only when appropriate.

Unfortunately, most buildings aren’t like that today. The majority of commercial buildings are relatively barbaric with primitive infrastructure oblivious to its purpose or costs. Far too often, building managers lack basic visibility into the infrastructure they are responsible for.

+ Also on Network World: How IoT with bio-mimicry reduces indoor air pollution +

However, times have changed, and today it’s appropriate to be green, although the interpretation of “green” ranges from environmental to financial motivations. Of course, a building with smart infrastructure might not always be viable. Renters wouldn’t want to pay for the upgrades. And, as long as infrastructure is otherwise working, it might not be green at all to replace it. A better option could be to focus on visibility.

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