足球竞猜app软件网络世界仁A.米勒 //m.banksfrench.com en - us 2020年6月24日星期三00:35:20 -0700 2020年6月24日星期三00:35:20 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 如何征服CRM怪兽 2016年12月8日星期四08:41:00 -0800 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

Richard Bexon has a succinct way to describe the previous CRM software used by the NAMU Travel Group: "a monster."

"We had what I suppose you could call a legacy system here," says Bexon, COO of NAMU, a network of luxury travel agencies. Over the eight years that they used the system, too many people had their fingers into the code, and the monster didn't have a manual in case one of those fingers broke the entire system.

That could be why, when in 2015, NAMU decided to scrap it and instead start using a cloud-basedCRM application from Bpm'online, the results were off the charts: 271 percent ROI, payback in four months and an annual average benefit of $271,767, according to Bexon.

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政府装备不足,无法挫败网络战 2016年9月8日,星期四12:10:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

In January, V. Miller Newton, CEO and president of PKWARE, made his annual list of predictions for most likely cyberattacks of the year.

Number 3 on the list: The U.S. electrical grid will be attacked. He's been making predictions since 2011, and claims 95 percent accuracy so far (he also predicts that healthcare systems were at risk and that smart watches would be hacked).

[ Related: Battling cyberattacks with bombs? ]

"This country's infrastructure runs on antiquated technology and systems," he says. "We've already seen an electrical power grid hacked in December of last year in Ukraine," which blacked out 103 cities and partially blacked out an additional 186.

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RNC与会者在免费的Wi-Fi陷阱暴露身份 周五,2016年7月29日10:09:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

So you go to a political convention. Do a little politicking and listen to some speeches. While taking a break from the handshaking and schmoozing you decide to do a little work on your laptop. Then you get hacked.

During the Republican National Convention, IT security company Avast security set up fake Wi-Fi hotspots to see who would fall for their trick. As it turns out, a lot of people fell for it. Avast estimated more than 1,200 people logged into the fake hotspots, some with politically leaning names like "I VOTE TRUMP! FREE INTERNET," and "I VOTE HILLARY! FREE INTERNET," and some with an official ring to them like "Google Starbucks" and ATTWifi at GOP."

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里约热内卢为奥运机场做准备,配备了新的Wi-Fi网络和手机应用 2016年6月29日星期三11:03:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

The 2016 Olympics Games are already off to a rough start -- and we haven’t even seen opening ceremonies yet. Worries about the Zika virus, polluted competition waters, doping scandals and Rio’s precarious finances could mean a complicated time in August for the Summer Games.

[ Related: Jumping hurdles on the road to Rio 2016: AOC's head of IT Anthony Soulsby ]

One thing thing poised to go well: communication at Rio de Janeiro–Galeão International Airport, Brazil’s biggest airport and how most people will get into the country for the games.

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现在黑客们在做什么? 周一年,2016年8点12分零零秒-0700 5月23日 简答:米勒 简答:米勒 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在较长的答案是比较复杂的,但安全厂商Trustwave在它的 2016 Trustwave全球安全报告,这是上个月发布的。

” 犯罪分子得到一个很多精明,” Trustwave的威胁情报经理卡尔·格莱尔说。“我们看到他们的战术改变一点点。”



“罪犯们发现,如果他们能够让自己嵌入到企业网络,有丰富的在这些网络可获利的数据,”西格莱尔说。这也可能是他所谓的“急剧下降”,在点销售违反率,其下降了18个百分点,2014年至2015年,根据这项研究的结果。“犯罪分子不要走开。他们只是转移目标,”他说。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3074118/what-are-hackers-up-to-these-days.html 灿UC保持远程工作人员参与? 2016年5月9日星期一04:38:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

So you have a dispersed workforce. Maybe you're part of a big company with several offices. Or maybe your employer has a liberal work-from-home policy. Or perhaps you work with key contractors who may not always be in your office. 

Whatever the reason, you need unified communication (UC) technology. And so do a lot of other companies. But a recent study by IT consultancy Softchoice suggests that not many companies are getting the tools they need. 

Softchoice surveyed 250 IT managers and 750 line-of-business professionals in North America, and 44 percent of the IT managers polled said that they found it difficult to deploy UC technology. 

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3066947/can-uc-keep-remote-workers-engaged.html 4个高科技恶梦保持IT领导者在夜间 2016年4月25日星期一04:32:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

Being a CIO isn't an easy job, not when hackers are coming at you from all sides trying to get their hands on that sweet, sweet data. It’s especially nerve-racking because one breach can turn a company from a respectable business to one that looks like it protects its information with a layer of Swiss cheese. 

Here are four things keeping CIOs up at night – and ways to help them fall back asleep again – or at least into a light doze instead of staring at the ceiling waiting for a hacker to break through.

1. Dude, where's my data?

Andrew Hay, CISO for DataGravity, says one concern might seem a simple one: "the lack of data awareness that organizations have in terms of where information is stored and what type of sensitive information is accessible by people who shouldn't have it," he says. 

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是IT高管无视网络安全威胁? 2016年4月11日星期一06:10:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


如果你是一名IT专业人士,对这个问题的答案或许是肯定的。如果你是一名IT主管,在这个问题的答案可能没有 - 即使你在同一家公司工作


这就是巴克利在发现其“网络安全信心报告。”在这里面,巴克利调查者350名IT专业人员和发现,50%的不符合他们的当前安全产品或解决方案有信心。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3054046/are-it-executives-blind-to-cybersecurity-threats.html 远程办公终于成为主流了吗? 2016年4月4日星期一06:08:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒 <本文> <节课= “页面”>

这是在家工作?弹性工作时间?立方农场吗?什么是工作的样子在你的工作场所 - 如果你有一个工作呢? 

Allowing employees to work from home part or full-time continues apace. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2014 on days worked, 23 percent of employee persons did some or all of their work from home while 85 percent did some or all of their work at the workplace. 

+ ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD 10 Most Telecommuting-Friendly Tech Companies  +

This is only a slight uptick from 2003, the first year these measures were taken. But it is progress. Then, 19 percent of employed persons did some or all of their work at home while 87 percent did some or all of their work at their workplace on days worked. But the relatively consistency of the numbers show that, for a good portion of the workplace population, telecommuting has become an integral part of the work-live balance. 

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人(仍然)是最大的安全风险 星期五,2016年3月25日04:56:00 -0700 简答:米勒 简答:米勒 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

“我们作战几千年的演变,”凯文·爱泼斯坦的威胁运营中心的 Proofpoint的。“是很自然的感到好奇的东西。不幸的是,与电子邮件诈骗,最好点击之前的想法。” 

One more reason we – the collective “we,” that is – continue clicking on malicious links or downloading bogus attachments, despite being told not to: hackers have gotten much better at pretending to be someone they're not, using social engineering to slip past our guard by masquerading as someone else. 

It's worked, too. An employees at Seagate was recently the victim of an email phishing scam that lead to the release of W-2s of past and current employees, W-2s that include Social Security numbers and salaries among other personal information. An employee at Snapchat was also just phished into sending out payroll information into the wrong hands. 

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如何避免常见的旅行和度假骗局 2016年2月29日星期一06:20:00 -0800 简答:米勒 简答:米勒 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


And someone else is there waiting and ready to steal your information — and your money — in the process. 

Travel scams are ripe and ripening as the days grow longer, in some high and very low tech ways. 

+ ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD IRS Scam: 5,000 victims cheated out of $26.5 million since 2013 +

"The really staggering message that came through in 2015 was that it was the year attackers spent a lot less time and energy on really sophisticated technology intrusions and instead spent the year exploiting us," says Kevin Epstein, vice president of the Threat Operations Center at Proofpoint

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创建一个自定义应用程序需要多长时间? 周一,2016年2月22日05:40:00 -0800 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

Your company wants a custom app for that? 

It's possible – and not just if you're the CIO of a big bucks corporation. New advances in app-building technology have lowered the cost of making apps, and the time and knowledge to make, test and deploy them, too.

Much like how the power of website building used to be in the hands of only those who knew HTML but can now be built by anyone with a Squarespace or Wordpress account, new programs are letting non-developer employees to make apps with ease. 

"I couldn't write a line of code to save my life, but I can configure an app," says Rebecca Wettemann, vice president of research, enterprise applications, with Nucleus Research. App development can be a drag and drop process, which enables a business user to make the app themselves. 

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你是否应该担心互联网上的黑客行为? 2016年2月16日星期二05:12 -0800 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

If 2015 was the year of the Internet of Things, 2016 could be the year of the hacked Internet of Things. That could mean a lot of headaches for CIOs, whether they're fans of these new devices themselves or will be dealing with employees connecting them at work and managing the potential security exposure that brings. 

"The issue to date is that devices are vulnerable just by the fact that they exist and can connect to the Internet," says Jerry Irvine, member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Cybersecurity Leadership Council and CIO of Prescient Solutions. "Anybody can get to a device if you don't secure them properly." 

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如何衡量企业移动应用的成功 2016年1月28日星期四05:25:00 -0800 简答:米勒 简答:米勒

Got a mobile app? If you're not using key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of those apps — and your investment in them— your company could be falling behind. 

That's the message from Red Hat 2015 Mobile Maturity Survey, which surveyed IT decision makers from 200 private sector companies with at least 2,500 employees based in the U.S. and Western Europe. They found that almost everyone was using this key data to see how their mobile apps are doing. 

"The use of KPIs is traditionally how companies develop the business case and measure success against business objectives," says Cathal McGloin, vice president and general manager of mobile platforms at Red Hat. "Applying KPIs to mobile investment therefore makes sense as it provides consistency in performance measurement and benchmarking across the organization." 

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未使用软件的实际成本会让你震惊 星期三,2016年1月20日4点29分00秒-0800 简答:米勒 简答:米勒 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有多少是在窗口的软件?如果它只是坐在那里,很多。在4年的研究过程中未使用的软件 - 根据一项新的研究中,美国企业浪费了$ 30十亿 - 是的,十亿。 

That's the conclusion reached by 1E, which recently released its "The Real Cost of Unused Software" report. The study looked at data on about how 1,800 software titles were installed on 3.6 million desktops in 129 companies across 14 different industry sectors, all over a four-year period. The global average came to 37 percent waste per company. The cost: $259 per desktop. 

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