足球竞猜app软件网络世界马特Kapko //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 星期四,2020年4月23日十三点52分31秒-0700 星期四,2020年4月23日十三点52分31秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 如何Facebook的计划将信使业务 星期四,2017年5月4日五点22分00秒-0700 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

新奥尔良 - 由于产品的为Facebook Messenger的头,斯坦Chudnovsky负责的消费者最受欢迎的产品在世界上。And yet, despite Messenger’s 1.2 billion monthly active users, he’s convinced that the app can continue its growth and add more functions if users and business embrace the app as a channel for business-to-consumer communications.

More than 60 million businesses have a presence on Facebook and at least 20 million are active on Messenger today, but Facebook continues to develop APIs, bots and other means to expedite connections between people and business, Chudnovsky said this week at the Collision conference. “We need to make it obvious that you can make a connection between people and businesses,” he said.

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亚马逊能否成为企业协作的竞争者? 周一,2017年4月10日12时36分零零秒-0700 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <文章> <节类=“页”>


难道亚马逊是企业协作的黑马?该公司在基于云的基础设施上的主导地位,但其在应用市场的举动,虽然保留,还没有提供类似的影响。但是,如果它决定把重点放在合作市场? 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3188692/could-amazon-become-an-enterprise-collaboration-contender.html 摹套房与Office 365的云协作战升温 星期三,2017年3月29日14时20分零零秒-0700 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

CIO和IT经理们越来越多地采用微软的Office 365和谷歌的摹套件协作,生产力和信息。这些基于云生产力套件正在扩大,获得新的功能集,并为企业用户新的应用程序。本月早些时候,谷歌和微软都推出了基于聊天的协作应用程序重新定位在这个快速发展和竞争激烈的竞争空间。

微软的团队,自11月以来一直处于测试阶段,被公布为全面上市Office 365的客户。而谷歌推出了重建的Hangouts,已拆分成两个应用程序 - 环聊聊天为音频和视频会议基于聊天的通信和视频群聊符合 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3186394/g-suite-vs-office-365-cloud-collaboration-battle-heats-up.html 为什么苹果下跌iPad的价格还低 星期三,2017年3月22日08:00:00 -0700 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

苹果本周发布其最经济实惠的iPad的日期。该刷新9.7-inch iPad, which packs a Retina screen and Apple’s A9 chip in a device that effectively replaces the iPad Air 2, is priced at $329 with 32GB of storage.

The $70 price drop makes the entry-level iPad more competitive, particularly among schools that can now snag the tablet for under $300 at educational pricing. Businesses that are motivated by price and don’t require more advanced features in the iPad Pro will also be giving the iPad another look as a result of these changes, according to Avi Greengart, research director at GlobalData.

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谷歌吃掉更多的大牌云客户 星期四,2017年3月9日10:22:00 -0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

旧金山 - 谷歌来晚了在云中的企业一方,但该公司正在弥补失去的时间。Developers and the enterprises, which Google will need to attract more business away from Amazon and Microsoft, are taking notice -- as was evidenced here by big crowds and a standing-room only audience at the company’s Google Cloud Next conference.

At the kickoff keynote Diane Greene, senior vice president of Google Cloud, announced several new customers, including eBay, HSBC, Colgate-Palmolive and Verizon Communications.

Google defines cloud in transformational terms

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是谷歌推出的苹果了美国教室的? 星期二,2017年3月7日10:02:00 -0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

谷歌继续在苹果公司的费用,以获得在教育市场份额。Chrome OS的权力几乎六个运到K-12学校在美国去年10种计算设备,根据的从调研公司Futuresource的咨询公司的最新报告

[相关阅读: 谷歌如何超越苹果在教育 ]

A growing number of inexpensive Chromebooks are making their way into U.S. classrooms while iOS -- and to a lesser extent MacOS -- devices are losing considerable share. Google’s Chrome OS comprised 58 percent of the 12.6 million units shipped to primary and secondary schools in the United States last year, up from 50 percent in 2015 and 38 percent in 2014, according to the report.

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为什么苹果炒作增强现实? 周五,2017年2月17日四点45分00秒-0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

增强现实有一个强大的盟友,和殷切显然支持者,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克。The leader of the most valuable publicly traded company in the world reiterated his optimistic outlook for the future of augmented reality (AR) and highlighted the technology’s capability to layer improvements in the physical world.

“I’m excited about augmented reality because unlike virtual reality, which closes the world out, AR allows individuals to be present in the world but allows an improvement on what’s happening presently,” he told The Independent in a recent interview. “Most people don’t want to lock themselves out from the world for a long period of time and today you can’t do that because you get sick from it. With AR you can, not be engrossed in something, but have it be a part of your world, of your conversation. That has resonance.”

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为什么高科技公司正在团结起来,争取特朗普的移民禁令 星期二,2017年2月14日九点15分00秒-0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在不到自从被宣誓就任美国第45届总统一个月,唐纳德·特朗普袭击情感共鸣的高科技公司,产生对立无与伦比的凝聚力2020欧洲杯夺冠热门。The Trump administration’s executive order banning all people from seven predominantly Muslim countries from the entering the United States has created a rift between political and business interests, and one that many technology leaders consider a threat to their very existence.

A group of 127 technology companies last week filed an official friend-of-the-court brief in the lawsuits opposing the administration’s executive order in Minnesota and Washington. Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Snap and Twitter are all on board, but there are some conspicuous absences. Enterprise leaders IBM and Oracle haven’t joined the effort and all of the major telecom and cable providers have held out thus far as well. Amazon was asked not to join the filing because it’s a witness in the original lawsuit, according to Mashable.

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IBM计划如何扩大MobileFirst为iOS程序 周五,2017年2月3日四点44分○○秒-0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

这一年,越来越多的企业追求,可以改变如何他们的员工工作的应用程序,根据IBM苹果公司和IBM公司在企业iOS版移动应用开发项目正在扩大其覆盖面。“We are engaged with more than 1,000 clients across the world,” says Mahmoud Naghshineh, IBM’s general manager in charge of the MobileFirst for iOS partnership with Apple.

IBM also plans to integrate Watson analytics and cognitive differentiation to its growing portfolio of iOS apps in 2017, according to Naghshineh. Once a new app is deployed and it becomes valuable for the business, the next step is to make it smarter, he says.

Hundreds of businesses have deployed apps to date and more are in development or at least in the sales cycle that leads to design and testing of new apps, according to Naghshineh. Changing the way people work, which was the original goal of Apple and IBM’s partnership, is also resulting in rapid digital transformation for many businesses, he says.

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谷歌升级摹套房与IT专业人员的工具 星期二,2017年1月31日12:13:00 -0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <文章> <节类= “网页”>

谷歌今天带动其ģ生产力套件新的控制和IT专业人员的工具应用程序。G Suite administrators now have more access to control security key enforcement, data control with data loss prevention (DLP) for Google Drive and Gmail, and additional insights by connecting Gmail to BigQuery, Google’s enterprise data warehouse designed to enable SQL queries, according to Google.

All of the changes, which are live today, are designed to elevate G Suite for the enterprise, especially among companies that need more confidence in the controls they can maintain over corporate data, according to Google.

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是高科技公司负责不良后果? 周一,2017年1月23日十三点11分00秒-0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>

美国最大的高科技公司面临对他们的战略决策和创新的潜在负面影响越来越多的反弹。例如,像苹果,Facebook,谷歌和微软这样的公司正在投资人工智能(AI)技术和产品路线图,这将在未来几年取代数百万个工作岗位。Experts in marketing, technology and social awareness say it’s time for technology providers to assume greater responsibility for the personal pain that comes along with the collective gain.

Emerging technology is at almost perpetual odds with the status quo, but U.S. society is coming to realize that dynamic can lead to job losses, unfair treatment of social services and a stain on civic engagement. The power and influence that some tech companies command is being reevaluated in light of the myriad ways people are being disenfranchised in some way by their actions.

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为什么亚马逊是虚拟助手的现任国王 星期四,2017年1月12日10:24:00 -0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <文章> <节类= “网页”>

Amazon的Alexa的虚拟助理是不可能错过在 CES 2017 。令人惊讶的命中服务,权力亚马逊的智能家居中心,回声,被嵌入到连接的产品,内外家的成长兵工厂。 

In many ways, Alexa is the feature of the moment for consumer electronics such as refrigerators, vacuums, DVR boxes, robots, TVs, washers and dryers, cars, and an important product category in which Amazon has thus far failed spectacularly: smartphones. Amazon was center stage during the annual tech gathering in the desert, as dozens of companies announced plans to integrate Alexa into their upcoming products. Ford, LG, Whirlpool, GE, Lenovo, Samsung, Hyundai and Huawei are a few of the big names that joined the race to bring Alexa to the masses.

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Facebook和谷歌最流行的应用程序的主导列表(再次) 星期三,2017年1月4日5时02分00秒-0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <文章> <节类=“页”>


A Facebook and Google world ...

Facebook makes the two most popular mobile apps in the United States, Facebook and Facebook Messenger, as well as Instagram, the second-fastest growing app and the No. 8 most popular app, according to Nielsen. Facebook's average unique audience on mobile during the period grew 14 percent year-over-year to 146 million users. Facebook Messenger's audience grew 28 percent from the previous year to 129.7 million users. And Instagram jumped 36 percent from 2015 to 74.7 million users, Nielsen says.

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2016最大的社交媒体的报道 周三,2016年12月21日10:09:00 -0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>



在美国公众仍然与所有的方式拼杀社交媒体形2016年总统竞选。然而,CIO.com发现如何利用社交媒体带来了数字内向的黑暗的一面,往往放大倾斜观点或政治偏见。在2016年总统大选的最后几个星期,它成为非常清楚,社会不能更强大的或危险的。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3152855/2016s-biggest-social-media-stories.html 前10名2016年业务协作的故事 周五,2016年12月16日5时01分00秒-0800 马特Kapko 马特Kapko <本文> <节课=“页面”>



1)Facebook的工作中(最终)推出的 '工作场所'

的Facebook已经拥有消费者的社交网络,并以其新的Workplace服务,这对企业设置的景点。该产品旨在感到熟悉的Facebook用户还停留在公司的消费平台独立。(有关详细信息,请读我们的工作场所的发射前的历史。) 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3151158/top-10-business-collaboration-stories-of-2016.html