足球竞猜app软件网络世界TechWatch //m.banksfrench.com EN-US 2020年4月11日星期六22:51:57 -0700 2020年4月11日星期六22:51:57 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 足球竞猜app软件 m.banksfrench.com 796 288 6年的技术演进、革命和彻底变革 星期四,2019年9月5日03:00:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

整整六年前的今天日​​至9月5,2013 足球竞猜app软件- 网络世界出版我的第一个 TechWatch 的博客文章。它寻址引入Samsung's Galaxy Gear and the problem with smartwatches.

Since then, I’ve written hundreds of blog posts on a dizzying array of technology topics, ranging from net neutrality to phablets to cloud computing to big data to the internet of things (IoT)—and many, many more. It’s been a great ride, and I will be forever grateful to my amazing editors at Network World and everyone who’s taken the time to read my work. But all good things must come to an end, and this will be my last TechWatch post for Network World.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3435857/6-years-of-tech-evolution-revolution-and-radical-change.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 移动 互联网 云计算
蓝牙在工业物联网中占有一席之地 周五,2019年8月30日6时56分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

大多数人一样,我认为蓝牙作为一种有用的,但消费者为导向的技术,让我打从智能手机到各种耳机,便携式音箱,汽车轻松实现无线连接,其他设备。而且,当然,几十亿人依靠蓝牙正是这些功能。但根据查萨宾中,市场开发的高级主任蓝牙SIG 的,该技术正在成长为工业网络中起关键作用的东西(IIoT)。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3434526/bluetooth-finds-a-role-in-the-industrial-internet-of-things.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 联网 移动 前5个物联网网络的安全错误 孙,2019年8月25日21:00:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Even though Brother International is a supplier of many  IT products, from machine tools to head-mounted displays to industrial sewing machines, it’s best known for printers. And in today’s world, those printers are no longer stand-alone devices, but components of the internet of things.

That’s why I was interested in this list from Robert Burnett, Brother’s director, B2B product & solution – basically, the company’s point man for large customer implementations. Not surprisingly, Burnett focuses on IoT security mistakes related to printers and also shares Brother’s recommendations for dealing with the top five.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3433476/top-5-iot-networking-security-mistakes.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 安全
不要担心影子IT。暗影物联网是差很多。 星期四,2019年8月22日8时21分〇〇秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

For years, IT departments have been railing about the dangers of shadow IT and bring-your-own-device. The worry is that these unauthorized practices bring risks to corporate systems, introducing new vulnerabilities and increasing the attack surface.

That may be true, but it’s not the whole story. As I’ve long argued, shadow IT may increase risks, but it can also cut costs, boost productivity and speed innovation. That’s why users are often so eager to circumvent what they see as slow and conservative IT departments by adopting increasingly powerful and affordable consumer and cloud-based alternatives, with or without the blessing of the powers that be. Just as important, there’s plenty of evidence of that enlightened IT departments should work to leverage those new approaches to serve their internal customers in a more agile manner.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3433496/dont-worry-about-shadow-it-shadow-iot-is-much-worse.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 安全
物联网在扩大无人机使用的角色 星期四,2019年7月25日9时11分〇〇秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

As faithful readers of TechWatch (love you, Mom) may know, the rollout of many companies’ ambitious drone delivery services has not gone as quickly as promised. Despite recent signs of progress in Australia and the United States—not to mention clever ideas for burger deliveries to cars stuck in traffic—drone delivery remains a long way from becoming a viable option in the vast majority of use cases. And the problem affects many areas of drone usage, not just the heavily hyped drone delivery applications.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3410564/iots-role-in-expanding-drone-use.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
宝马为Apple CarPlay支付的新年费如何定义物联网 2019年7月24日星期三11:06:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Apple calls CarPlay “the ultimate co-pilot.” BMW calls it the “smart and fast way to conveniently use your iPhone features while in your car. ... You can control your iPhone and use apps with the touchscreen display, the iDrive Controller or voice commands.”

However you describe it, though, Apple’s CarPlay system suddenly finds itself in the center of what could be a defining conversation about the future of the internet of things (IoT).

You see, the German luxury carmaker’s plans to charge $80 a year to access CarPlay have suddenly become the talk of the internet, from tech blogs to car sites. The hue and cry makes CarPlay the perfect illustration of the promise—and the pitfalls—of the IoT.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3411478/how-bmws-new-annual-fee-for-apple-carplay-could-define-the-iot.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
Wi-Fi为物联网提供了最好的安全保障 2019年7月24日星期三06:29:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

当涉及到连接的事物(IOT)的设备网络技术,有各种各样的网络可供选择,每个都有其自己的一组功能,优点和缺点,以及理想的用例。Good ol’ Wi-Fi is often seen as a default networking choice, available in many places, but of limited range and not particularly suited for IoT implementations.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3410563/when-it-comes-to-the-iot-wi-fi-has-the-best-security.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 联网 安全 无线上网 IDG内幕
智能城市为企业物联网技术的演进提供了窗口 2019年7月18日星期四08:17:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

供电智能城市是最雄心勃勃的用例的东西(IOT)网络之一,结合了多种物联网技术来创建一致的系统,其范围不只是个人建筑物或校园,但整个大都市。As such, smart cities offer a window into the evolution of enterprise IoT technologies and implementations on the largest scale.

And that’s why I connected with Christophe Fourtet, CSO and co-founder of Sigfox, a French global network operator, to learn more about using wireless networks to connect large numbers of low-power objects, ranging from smartwatches to electricity meters. (And I have to admit I was intrigued by the 0G network moniker, which conjured visions of weightless IoT devices floating in space, or maybe OG-style old-school authenticity. That’s not at all what it’s about, of course.)

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3409787/smart-cities-offer-window-into-the-evolution-of-enterprise-iot-technology.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 传感器 联网
所有的物联网专家要去哪里来的呢? 2019年6月26日星期三08:41:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

如果物联网(IoT)要实现其巨大的承诺,它将需要大批聪明,熟练,受过培训的工人,使一切发生。现在,还不完全清楚这些人将从哪里来。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3404489 / where-are-all-the-iot-experts-going-to-come-from。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3404489/where-are-all-the-iot-experts-going-to-come-from.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 技能和培训 IDG内幕
约5G网络和设备17点的预测 星期二,2019年6月18日七点37分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

"随着5G市场一个接一个地切换,我们处在一个真正重要的时间点。之前没有哪一代移动技术有潜力像5G那样推动经济增长。它超越了将人们连接起来,全面实现物联网(IoT)和第四次工业革命。" - 2019年6月爱立信移动报告

5克 移动 联网 爱立信 IDG内幕 物联网安全与隐私:哪个是更大的问题? 星期三,2019年6月12日2时30分零零秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

如果你关注物联网的新闻,你就会知道安全问题一直是物联网消费者、企业和供应商关注的关键问题。这些问题是非常现实的,但我越来越相信,相关但根本不同的隐私漏洞很可能对物联网的成功构成更大的威胁。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3401522 / iot-security-vs-privacy-which-is-a-bigger-issue。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3401522/iot-security-vs-privacy-which-is-a-bigger-issue.html#tk.rss_techwatch 安全 物联网 IDG内幕
6种方法,使企业物联网成本效益 星期二,2019年6月11日五时十六分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

毫无疑问,物联网(IoT)对企业具有巨大的潜力,从资产跟踪到合规的一切。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3401082/6-ways-to-make-enterprise-iot-cost-effective。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3401082/6-ways-to-make-enterprise-iot-cost-effective.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 联网 IDG内幕
它的时候,物联网,以“优化的信任” 星期一,2019年6月3日11:01:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

One of the strengths of internet of things (IoT) technology is that it can do so many things well. From smart toothbrushes to predictive maintenance on jetliners, the IoT has more use cases than you can count. The result is that various IoT uses cases require optimization for particular characteristics, from cost to speed to long life, as well as myriad others.

But in a recent post, "How the internet of things will change advertising" (which you should definitely read), the always-insightful Stacy Higginbotham tossed in a line that I can’t stop thinking about: “It's crucial that the IoT optimizes for trust."

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3399817/its-time-for-the-iot-to-optimize-for-trust.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 传感器
大堵车项目可能是最酷/最蠢的物联网想法 星期三,2019六时34分00秒-0700 5月22日 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



我必须承认,当我第一次听到这个消息,我以为这是一个玩笑,但显然在交通Jam Whopper project is totally real and has already passed a month-long test in Mexico City. While the company hasn’t specified a timeline, it plans to roll out the Traffic Jam Whopper project in Los Angeles (where else?) and other traffic-plagued megacities such as São Paulo and Shanghai.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3396188/the-traffic-jam-whopper-project-may-be-the-coolestdumbest-iot-idea-ever.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 软件
企业物联网:企业希望在这四个领域找到解决方案 星期二,2019 8点33分00秒-0700 5月21日 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Internet of things (IoT) vendors and pundits like to crow about the billions and billions of connected devices that make the IoT so ubiquitous and powerful. But how much of that installed base is really relevant to the enterprise?

To find out, I traded emails with Rob Mesirow, principal at PwC’s Connected Solutions, the firm’s new one-stop-shop of IoT solutions, who suggests that consumer adoption may not paint a true picture of the enterprise opportunities. If you remove the health trackers and the smart thermostats from the market, he suggested, there are very few connected devices left.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3396128/the-state-of-enterprise-iot-companies-want-solutions-for-these-4-areas.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
当物联网系统失效:有不良物联网数据的风险 2019年5月20日星期一12:53:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

不管你看什么数字,很明显,物联网(IoT)继续蠕虫它的方式进入越来越多的领域的个人和私人生活。这种增长带来了许多好处,但也带来了新的风险。一个大问题是出问题时谁来承担责任。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3396230 / when-iot-systems-fail-the-risk-of-having-bad-iot-data。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.banksfrench.com/article/3396230/when-iot-systems-fail-the-risk-of-having-bad-iot-data.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 IDG内幕
另一个杀手云季度穿上数据中心的压力2020欧洲杯预赛 周三,2019年5月1日06:00:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

You’d almost think I’d get tired of writing this story over and over and over… but the ongoing growth of cloud computing is too big a trend to ignore.

Critically, the impressive growth numbers of the three leading cloud infrastructure providers—Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform—doesn’t occur in a vacuum. It’s not just about new workloads being run in the cloud; it’s also about more and more enterprises moving existing workloads to the cloud from on-premises data centers.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3391465/another-strong-cloud-computing-quarter-puts-pressure-on-data-centers.html#tk.rss_techwatch 云计算 2020欧洲杯预赛 亚马逊网络服务 微软 谷歌 混合云
不,无人驾驶飞机交付仍然没有准备好黄金时间 2019年4月24日星期三05:47:00 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

四月有过大的一个月无人机交付。First, Alphabet’s Wing Aviation drones got approval from Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), for public deliveries in the country, and this week Wing earned Air Carrier Certification from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. These two regulatory wins got lot of people got very excited. Finally, the conventional wisdom exulted, drone delivery is actually becoming a reality.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3390677/drone-delivery-not-ready-for-prime-time.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 科技行业
想知道物联网的未来吗?问开发人员! 星期三,2019年4月17日五点11分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

这可能是一个老生常谈的是软件开发者统治世界,但如果你想知道的重要技术的未来,就得看哪个开发商都在做。考虑到这一点,也有一些真实的,在新的超过1700个的IoT开发调查通过所述 Eclipse基金会


也许并不奇怪,安全淋上关注列表中,轻松超越其他的IoT的担忧。但是,这就是事情开始变得有趣了。以上的的IoT开发商五分之一(21%)引连接作为一个询问,接着数据收集和分析(19%),性能(18%),隐私(18%),和标准(16%)。 要阅读本文中全请点击此处 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3389877/want-to-the-know-future-of-iot-ask-the-developers.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 软件开发 混合云 微软/ BMW物联网开放式制造平台可能就不是那么开放 星期二,2019年4月9日6点29分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <文章> <节类= “网页”>


打开制造平台(OMP)?根据新闻稿,它的“推动开放的工业物联网的发展,并帮助发展社区打造未来的行业4.0 的解决方案。”为了实现这个目标,该公司表示,到2019年年底,他们计划吸引四到六个合作伙​​伴 - 包括来自内外的制造商和供应商和外面的汽车行业 - 并已推出了在运行至少15用例实际生产环境。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.banksfrench.com/article/3387642/the-microsoftbmw-iot-open-manufacturing-platform-might-not-be-so-open.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 微软 Azure 伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)的“修理权”计划没有考虑来自物联网设备的数据 星期四,2019年3月28日5时04分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有一个令人惊讶的战斗在美国的农场被打了,农民出售他们的拖拉机,联合收割机及其他农业设备公司之间。出人意料的是,那场战争的结果可能对物联网的深远影响(IOT) - 现在,马萨诸塞州参议员,民主党总统候选人沃伦已经有可能在这在很大程度上低估的力量平衡转变的建议权衡the-radar struggle.

Right to repair farm equipment

Here’s the story: As part of a new plan to support family farms, Warren came out in support of a national right-to-repair law for farm equipment. That might not sound like a big deal, but it raises the stakes in a long-simmering fight between farmers and equipment makers over who really controls access to the equipment — and to the increasingly critical data gathered by the IoT capabilities built into it.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3385122/elizabeth-warrens-right-to-repair-plan-fails-to-consider-data-from-iot-equipment.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
里面看在IIoT供电的智能工厂 星期二,2019年3月26日8点10分〇〇秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

As someone who’s spent his whole career working in offices, not factories, I had very little idea what a modern “smart factory” powered by the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) might look like. That’s why I was so interested in Tempo Automation’s new 42,000-square-foot facility in San Francisco’s trendy Design District.

Frankly, I pictured the company’s facility, which uses IIoT to automatically configure, operate, and monitor the prototyping and low-volume production of printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), as a cacophony of robots and conveyor belts attended to by a grizzled band of grease-stained technicians. You know, a 21stcentury update of Charlie Chaplin’s 1936 classic Modern Times making equipment for customers in the aerospace, medtech, industrial automation, consumer electronics, and automotive industries. (The company just inked a new contract with Lockheed Martin.)

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3384378/an-inside-look-at-tempo-automations-iiot-powered-smart-factory.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
3家公司为企业开发可穿戴技术 2019年3月19日星期二06:10 -0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Earlier this month, I wrote that “even as smartwatch shipments continue to grow, significant industrial and business use cases for these internet-connected devices have yet to appear.”

And then a few days later, as if on cue, International Data Corporation (IDC) put out a press release about the latest edition of the Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker. The release quoted Ramon T. Llamas, research director for IDC's Wearables team, saying, "Two major drivers for the wearables market are healthcare and enterprise adoption.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3373877/3-companies-developing-wearable-tech-for-the-enterprise.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
企业中的可穿戴技术在增长,但工作场所的应用却很少 星期二,2019年3月12日11点37分00秒-0700 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Take a glance at the wrists of your co-workers, and you’re likely to see more and more of them adorned with smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable technology. In meetings, you increasingly see colleagues surreptitiously glancing at their tiny screens, hoping in vain that no one is noticing.

It isn’t just you. The latest smartwatch numbers all say that smartwatch shipments are growing fast, and the internet-connected devices are beginning to achieve mainstream acceptance: Last month, The NPD Group's new Smartwatch Total Market Report noted that smartwatch unit sales jumped 61 percent in 2018, while dollar volume rose 51 percent to approach $5 billion in sales. Some 16 percent of U.S. adults now own a smartwatch, the report said, up from 12 percent at the end of 2017.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3356447/wearable-tech-in-the-enterprise-grows-but-few-workplace-uses-exist.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 移动
为什么物联网产业比消费类设备更重要 - 7个令人惊讶的物联网发展趋势 星期四,2019年2月28日3时56分○○秒-0800 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Given the Internet of Things’ (IoT) perch atop the hype cycle, IoT trend-spotting has become a full-time business, not just an end-of-the-year pastime. It seems every major — and minor — IoT player is busy laying out its vision of where the technology is going. Most of them harp on the same themes, of course, from massive growth to security vulnerabilities to skills shortages.

Those are all real concerns, but Chris Nelson, vice president of engineering at operational intelligence (OT) vendor OSIsoft, shared some more unique viewpoints via email. In addition to his contention that the IoT will blur the lines between IT, which runs the customers’ systems and email, and OT, which runs the technology behind the production systems, he talked about what will drive the IoT in the next year.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3343004/why-the-industrial-iot-is-more-important-than-consumer-devices-and-7-more-surprising-iot-trends.html#tk。rss_techwatch 物联网
整体情况:物联网在企业中是关于赚钱还是省钱? 2019年2月27日星期三06:15:00 -0800 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Everyone knows the Internet of Things (IoT) is a transformative technology for consumers, vendors, and enterprises that’s in the process of becoming a historically huge market—measured in trillions, not billions, of dollars. That’s great, and most likely true, but perhaps a little vague in some respects. For example: What, exactly, do enterprises hope to gain from their investments in the IoT? Are they planning to use the IoT to save money on things they’re already doing, or do they see the technology as a way to create new businesses and boost revenue?

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3343917/the-big-picture-is-iot-in-the-enterprise-about-making-money-or-saving-money.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网
为什么启用iot的预测维护还没有起步 2019年2月19日星期二08:20:00 -0800 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

“Two years ago, predictive maintenance was forecast to be one of the most promising uses of the industrial Internet of Things (IoT).”

That’s the lead of report based on a recent Bain & Company survey of more than 600 high-tech executives (Beyond Proofs of Concept: Scaling the Industrial IoT, by Bain partners Michael Schallehn, Christopher Schorling, Peter Bowen and Oliver Straehle). The report goes on to note that identifying precisely when equipment might fail “seemed like a no-brainer.” And yet, the report concludes, “predictive maintenance has failed to take off as broadly as expected.” In fact, industrial leaders were not as excited about predictive maintenance as they were back in a 2016 survey.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3340132/why-predictive-maintenance-hasn-t-taken-off-as-expected.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 软件
物联网平台为何如此令人困惑? 星期二,2019年2月5日7时11分00秒-0800 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

Lots of vendors are eager to sell enterprises an “IoT platform,” but it’s not always clear exactly what those “platforms” actually do, why you need one, and which one you should choose. As Hackernoon put it in April 2018:

"We’re a cross-functional, fully integrated, full-stack, serverless, hardware agnostic, AI, IoT platform that offers you infinite infrastructure . . .“ said every confusing IoT platform website ever.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3336166/why-are-iot-platforms-so-darn-confusing.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 云计算
什么编程语言统治了物联网? 2019年1月31日星期四05:23:00 -0800 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

作为观光(IOT)的因特网的不断发展,它可以是难以跟踪哪些工具最流行的用于不同的目的。同样,试图保持在相对编程的流行标签语言是一项复杂的工作中与一些明确的参数。所以,的estimated 6.2 million IoT developers (in 2016) seems doubly fraught — but I’m not going to let that stop me.

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3336867/what-programming-languages-rule-the-internet-of-things.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网 云计算 软件开发
物联网将定向广告引入零售商店 星期一,2019年1月28日8时31分零零秒-0800 弗雷德里克•保罗 弗雷德里克•保罗

The Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere these days, from smart houses to smart cities to industrial applications. And now it’s coming to the coolers in a drugstore near you.

Walgreens is testing innovative, IoT-powered "smart coolers" that combine cameras, facial recognition software, and display screens in the cooler doors to serve targeted ads depending on what it can tell about shoppers rooting around for cold drinks and frozen treats.

Bringing the online ad experience in store

According to the Wall Street Journal, the system attempts to recreate the online advertising experience in brick and mortar stores, using facial recognition software to determine the age of the shopper and what products they’ve already selected — as well as environmental factors — to determine what ads to show. Supplied by Chicago-based Cooler Screens, the technology is designed to transform “retail cooler surfaces into IoT-enabled screens and [create] the largest retail point-of-sale merchandising platform in the world.”

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//m.banksfrench.com/article/3336160/the-iot-brings-targeted-advertising-into-retail-stores.html#tk.rss_techwatch 物联网