
A peek into the future of hybrid cloud in 2016

Explore what's on next year's horizon for the hybrid cloud.


Over the years, I've learned that predicting什么will happen in emerging technologies is much easier than predictingwhenit will happen. Case in point: hybrid clouds. Many of us in the cloud community predicted in 2009 that cloudbursting would be the impetus for an explosion in public cloud consumption; and I went so far as picking 2010 as the beginning of the transition.

Well, my prediction was sound in direction but way off the mark in timing. Since 2009, I've learned that the barriers to hybrid cloud are more numerous than originally anticipated -- something I'll address in greater depth in a future post. However, seeing mass adoption on the horizon in 2016 (I'm crossing my fingers this time), it's important to move the conversation forward by providing some introspection on where the hybrid cloud is today.

How quickly are enterprises moving to hybrid cloud solutions?




What are the top benefits that the best hybrid cloud infrastructures are delivering?


What's next beyond today's hybrid clouds?

Hybrid clouds represent an important step in the transition of IT from technology manager to solution provider. Deploying hybrid cloud solutions will help companies become comfortable with public cloud security, operations, and financial management. Although there will be challenges and hurdles, over the next five years companies will seek to offload as much of their technology stack as possible to the public cloud, driven not only by the economic benefits and shared resources, but also the freedom to choose among multiple vendors on their terms. Cloud-dependent technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), real-time analytics, and collaboration, will continue to evolve the end-customer relationship, which in turn will require public cloud solutions to meet scale and time-to-market-challenges. As private data centers give way to the public cloud, public cloud itself will transform from a regional to a local focus.

部署是混合云next step beyond private clouds in the evolution of cloud computing. The stakes are high, as those who figure it out first will gain a significant advantage in agility, efficiency, and elasticity unshared by their market rivals. Now is the time to start plotting the path to the future and to move up the cloud learning curve.


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