苹果v FBI



Cisco Systems

思科系统公司首席执行官查克·罗宾斯放弃了一个机会,在大力支持企业移动的合作伙伴苹果公司fight with the FBI在iPhone加密。


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"Our situation is completely different" from Apple's, because Cisco's customers make the choice whether and how to use encryption on the company's products, he said.

Ciscopartnered with Apple去年9月的交易,将让企业给iOS设备的某些优先思科网络。有一件事他们将能够做的就是把iPhone电话在企业局域网和跟踪他们今天的桌面电话记录的安全性和合规的方式。

The first deliverables from the partnership will come this summer, Robbins said.

Also at the briefing, Robbins pressed one of the major themes of this year's MWC, the Internet of Things, as a chance for Cisco to shine. IoT brings a centrifugal force to the IT universe that plays to Cisco's strengths, he said.

IoT will put more devices and more data at the edges of networks, too far away from centralized cloud data centers for the quick responses needed for things like keeping autonomous cars safe, Robbins said. Getting to the cloud takes too much time for split-second decisions to avoid a crash.

"I don't see a world where 100 percent of everything is sitting in a cloud," he said. Instead, hybrid IT architectures will be critical.

It was a pitch for Cisco's "fog computing" architecture, which provides computing modules close to IoT devices like industrial sensors, and for the company's network-based security technology. Where it used to be enough to protect a network with appliances like firewalls, now security needs to extend all the way to the end device, Robbins said.

IoT is also a replay of Cisco's early days of handling a multitude of protocols, the original reason for the company's first routers. Cellular, Wi-Fi, low-power wireless systems and legacy industrial protocols will all be part of the mix. Cisco announced Tuesday it's working with new partner Ericsson on a 5G router to connect remote assets like cash machines. It sells 4G routers today.

At the show, the companies have also introduced Dynamic Service Manager, a software platform that combines components from each partner and is designed to help carriers roll out new networks more quickly.

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